BDO Pride Month Brochure



On 24 February, the BLEND Network and Financial Services hosted a panel discussion to celebrate LGBT+ History Month. The panel consisted of Jennifer Wall (LTG), Sherv Cheung (PSIA) and Tim Thornton (LBR) who explored the important role that visible role models and active allies play in creating a truly inclusive work environment. We were also joined by client panellist Michael Evans, CFO of LendInvest, who shared his stories of how allyship and support from his colleagues had helped him be himself at work and allowed him to progress into a leadership role. ​The event was attended by approximately 300 colleagues from across the firm with some fantastic interaction and questioning from our audience. The key takeaway was that allyship can be demonstrated in even the tiniest gestures and signals of support that can really make a big difference to making an LGBT+ colleague feel comfortable and recognised. That could be as small an action as putting your pronouns in your email footer. If you missed the event, you can access the recording here. ​It has also been great to see so many colleagues coming forward since the event asking how they can become involved in the BLEND network or how they can be better allies. If you’d like to be involved but have not yet contacted us, please do send Sherv Cheung or Tim Thornton an email. Finally, the BLEND committee would also like to thank the panellists involved with special mention going to Sasha Molodtsov, who so brilliantly chaired the event.

HOW TO GET INVOLVED If you’d like to get involved, the Blend Network are recruiting for our executive committee. Please contact Tim Thornton and/or Sherv Cheung to find out more.

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