this day! The VP of our Sr class, Eleanor (forgot last name) was madly in love with Billy. I told him to ask her and he did. At least I made one person happy. Sorry Bill... At 16 yrs old, I was asked by my favorite Uncle Jack & Aunt Margie from Stamford, CT, to be God mother to their son, Jeffrey; so, I got on the Am track to NYC, and transferred to another train to arrive in CT. to become the God Mother. I was all by myself. Everyone around me on the train ordered a scotch an soda, so I did too. I took one sip an spit it out. I did not acquire a taste for scotch till many years later. Graduation time arrived. Janet and I got dressed up grand for the class day and we decided to go to the finest restaurant for dinner (like grown ups) - Hotel Casey. As we sat in our glory, we were eyed by two old geezers on the other side of the room and the waitress told us they wanted to buy us a drink.We were both flattered and appalled. We declined as we never had a drink (19). The guy turned out to be Judge Eagan (dirty old man). We should have had him arrested. I had a curfew at the Y at 10pm during the week and 1pm on weekends. The Saturday nights I spent at Janet’s were special dances or the like. Just before I graduated, Janet decided I should learn to smoke. I didn’t want to, but she constantly insisted that I had to learn. So, we would go to the fancy ladies room in the hotel Jermyn downtown after school and sit in front of the mirror and learned to smoke. I ended up smoking for 30 years all together. I quit once for 7 years and then again for 10 more.YUCK! Both my mom and dad were at my graduation. Mom and Pat Padden and Dad and Sally. This made me very happy. June 1949 we were the 49’rs. I must go back to the prom. I invited gorgeous Rod Regan, I still have a picture of him with his square jaw. He looked like a movie star and I was smitten. He liked me too and gave me a lot of attention, but older and in college. I wore a lovely fluffy white gown with small lavendar flowers on it. I went to a beauty parlor for
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