One day he (Tom) came in from work and asked to take a walk which was very unusual. I always wanted him to take a walk with me. During the walk Tom told me, I am leaving tomorrow morning and going to Florida.” I was panick stricken! I had no money and needed money now!. So I looked into the paper for a job... Tom came back to Pennsylvania from Florida and put an ad in the local paper to sell all of the furniture, including our player piano! A week later he left again leaving me to deal with these strange people coming to the house to buy everything. Joline’s father (Dave Valenti’s wife/ father in law) made a deal with Tom to take counterfeit money to Florida. I had no idea what was going on nor did I have any clue as to what to ask for any of the furniture. So, after all furniture was sold, I packed 3 kids, a dog and cat into the little green valiant and headed to Florida. Here’s the kicker! When we got to Florida, we stopped at Tom’s office and he said, “Let’s go to dinner, and I want to show you the house I rented.” I hate blue! There was a white barrel chair, it was the house that Jack Built! Tom said, ‘I have to tell you something.” I started lalughing when something is ridiculous and then crying. Tom got arrested at the track (passing counterfeit money) the night before we got there! He promised not to gamble again. So now we have the US vs Tom Noyes in a Miami Court and to be interrogated. The jury felt sorry for me, as I had no clue of any of this at all. Tom was pitiful and was found not guilty by reason of insanity.” The FBI was bugging the house to catch the counterfeit ring. I was terrified that my car would blowup. I would leave the kids in the carport when I started the car. I then took the kids and went to Howard Johnson’s as I did not know a sole. Tom losses his job, so I had to get a job quick! Monty Unger, a restarurant owner, had a nice restaurant near St. Colman’s Church. It was a 4am restaurant. I wanted to be a cocktail waitress, but he insisted I serve food too. Three weeks later this lovely restaurant became a strip joint! I thought I would die! Imagine that! You wonder why I divorced him? One good thing is that I met Frank Sinatra’s son who was an entertainer inbetween strips. These were difficult and strange circumstances. I had no time to look for another job, I made fabulous tips and learned how to handle people. I care about everyondy and got good tips. I learned how to deal with the worst ... a great training ground.

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