SEE H ow men take advantage of women! Oh, stuff like that

happens all the time.

When I married Tom I had a job at Chrysler Corporation as a secretary. I never had anything to do, so I use to help the other people in the office. It did not seem like a real job. I was hired for secretarial. Soon after I was hired, I got pregnant with Tommy and I started to have morning sickness and the girls in the office said ut ho! My Italian boss, he was always asking me to lunch and I said no thank you, I was married. I told him I was pregnant and that didn’t seem to matter to him either. So after many “no’s”, he calls me into his office and says that under the circumstances he had to fire me. I was heart broken. I never got fired ever. He said,“Why did you think I hired you?” I will never forget those words. I was flabbergasted and shocked. How about that? Italian men are dangerous. I say it like it is…true! I don’t trust them. So, no wonder I had nothing to do! Can you imagine, I thought I had a job. Talk about harassment. That was my one and only time being fired, because I would not sleep with him. So I was a stay at home mom for quite a while. I wanted a job and found another job, as a Girl Friday to the best disc jockey in town. I got the job and loved it! I booked famous singers like Little Richard, Franky Valley, I met Perry Como. and I booked Therese Brewer, it was very exciting. I had my first steak working for the disc jockey at a company dinner. So I get this job, and set up an office in a hotel with a pool and took the kids. I worked by myself with a tape recorder. I was having too good of a time… I was tired of being alone all the time, that’s why I got the job in the first place. Tom wanted me to quit because he was jealous and thought I was having too much fun. He was a perfect gentleman… the disc jockey I loved Bert, but not romantically, he was my companion. I am so sorry that I could not see him as a lover. He was so good to me. He loved me and I was so lucky. He really loved me. If my first husband loved me

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