Button Law Firm February 2019

H e r e ' s wh a t h a p p e n i n g t h i s mo n t h a t T h e B u t t o n L aw F i rm : HAVE YOU NOMINATED A TEACHER?

We are excited to announce that we are starting a teacher appreciation contest in 2019. At the beginning of every month, our polls will open and you will be able to nominate your child's teacher to help the teacher win a $100 gift card to the school supply store of their choice and a Pizza Party for the classroom! Nominate at: www.but tonlawf irm.com/ teachers Serious Injury Car Wrecks If you or a loved one has been in a serious injury car wreck in the DFW, Midland, Houston area and want some guidance, please reach out to us. We are here to help you understand your rights, the process, and the truth about these car wrecks.


Daycare Negligence & Abuse Our children are the most vulnerable members of our society. The Button Law Firm has a passion for keeping kids safe and holding caregivers accountable for every child they harm directly or through negligence or incompetence. At the Button Law Firm, we represent injured victims of truck crashes when a trucking company resists paying a settlement, but we also fight to compel that trucker or trucking company to make changes to ensure that another person is not harmed Truck Wrecks

Negligent Security

When a company chooses to ignore red flags regarding the safety of their premises, any member of the public who sets foot there is at risk of serious injury or death. Most people do not think about the fact that land or business owners have a responsibility to protect the public that they invite onto their premises from the dangerous acts of others.

JOIN OUR VIP PROGRAM Why call a lawyer referral company when you can get VIP treatment? If it is a legal matter outside of what we can help you with, we will introduce you to a lawyer in our dedicated referral network. Each of these lawyers is who are ones who I would call myself. Learn more at:





our VIP








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