JULY, 1965
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TAR IM : Mv Story From Jungle Killer to Christian Missionary as told to Ethel Wallis
Eyes on Tarili — at the New York World's Fair!
One of the colorful murals 96 feet long, of Tariri’s life, by D. Riseborough featured again this year in the Wycliffe Bible Trans lators’ Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair.
This book will plunge the reader straight into another world— a strange, dark world of chill enchantment that freezes the marrow with its mystery and savagery and the wild, primitive lust to kill. Tariri is a legendary figure among the tribes of the Peruvian Andes. This is the story of his dramatic conversion to Christianity by two white women missionaries. In his own words, actually taped in the jungle, he tells how the gospel of hate by which he had lived was changed to the gospel of love. Here is direct encounter with a startling voice from the jungle’s depths, the awesome words linked through a narrative o f unforget table Christian experience.
From a primitive jungle world — a thrilling story of adventure and hope
Vividly illustrated with on-the-spot photographs.
The latest in the series of Harper's Missionary Classics Price $3 95 Ready NOW ! Order Your Copy TODAY !
B IOLA BOOK ROOM 560 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California 90017 Enclosed please find $ .............................. for copies of: TARIRI: M Y STORY.
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(To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 27)
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T h e K i n g s
Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman JULY, in the year of our Lord Vol. 56, No. 7 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-five Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home Mu CHR IST IAN WORKERS' C L IN IC ................................................ 8 THE POPULATION EXPLOSION A N D THE BIBLE — Arthur H. Giles ................................................................ 11 CHR IST IAN S MUST BE PATRIOTS — William Ward Ayer .......... 12 BENDING THE TRUTH — Henry Brandt ................................. 14 SET FOR THE RISE A N D FALL OF M A N — Ord Morrow ............ 16 W H Y SUFFERING? — Merv Rosell .......................................... 18 W H A T R. A. TORREY SA ID ABOUT D IV INE HEALING — Don HiIIis ........................................ 19 W HAT ONE M A N SA ID TO CHRIST — David Allen ............... 26 TODAY'S YOUTH — Barbara Jane Zink ................................... 27 W ILL SPIRITISM TAKE BRAZIL? — Dick Hillis ........................ 38 Faekw EDITORIAL — Samuel H. Sutherland ....................................... 6 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ..................... 28 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ................................ 30 SCIENCE A N D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ....................... 32 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ....................................... 33 Colorau PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ........................................................... 4 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ................................................... 29 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ............................ 31 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. M ille r................... 34 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ....................................... 37
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
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VIRG IN IA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L Feinhflrn. James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker MEMBER EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION
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MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago, Illinois 60610 G Please send me, without obligation, dou ble dividends , story of M oody Annuity Plan. G Please send folder, where there ’ s a w ill , relating to stewardship. Name ______________________________ Age ____
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JULY, 1965
P eople in th e Mem
Dr. Clyde Narramore, Christian psy chologist, announces the purchase of property by the Narramore Christian Foundation for an East Coast Coun seling Center located near Harris burg, Pennsylvania. People from sur rounding states as well as Pennsyl vania will be served by this new Christian Counseling Center. Mis sionary-candidate evaluation, as well as counseling for returned mission
pastors and evangelists, and also many missionaries, were in attend ance. One of the highlights of the conference was the arrival of some 500 Christian workers on a 12-car special train from La Paz. One of the Indian pastors spoke for many as he saw a welcoming committee, com plete with a band, including the speakers and church leaders, and also buses lined up to transport them to the conference site on the grounds of the Bolivian Indian Mission. His comment: “ All this — for us?” The chief purpose of the conferences was as stated, “ To provide the opportuni ty for pastors to be together to warm their hands and hearts at the fire of Christian love.” Dr. William Culbertson, Rev. John Hunter and Dr. W. Robert Smith will be among speakers for the Mid-America
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aries, will be offered. Pictured from left to right, above, are Mr. T. J. Reese, board member from Indiana; Dr. Narramore; Mr. Noah Meyers, seller of the property; and Mr.Kenneth Mark- ley, eastern director of the Narra more Christian Foundation. Dr. James R. Hill of Bolivar, Mis souri, has been selected as chairman of the Biola College Music Depart ment, effective September 1965. Dr, Hill has been music director for jun ior high and high school bands, and is presently a member of the faculty at Southwest Baptist College. He holds BME and MA degrees and is a candidate for the Ph.D. Jarrell McCracken, president of Word Records, Inc., announces the entry of Word into the religious publish
K esw ick Conven tion to be conduct ed at Moody Memo rial Church in Chi cago in November. This annual gath ering has met for the la s t eleven y ea rs in Chicago and has gained the interest of evan g e lica l Christians
throughout the Midwest. Further in formation may be obtained by writ ing to Mid-America Keswick, Post Office Box 918, Oak Park, Illinois 60303. Rev. Lester P. Westlund, secretary of overseas missions of the Evangelical Free Church of America, was the main speaker for a $556,000 medical center in Hong Kong, known by some as “ the miracle hospital,” which was dedicated debt-free on Sunday, Feb ruary 28. The miracle tag has been attached to the hospital because of the many unusual ways in which God has answered prayer and worked to make its completion possible. The 45- bed hospital is located in a strategic section of Hong Kong. Dr. Gordon Add ington and Dr. Robert Chapman, from the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, left their practices to direct the work at the hospital. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., recently presented his newest film production, “The Least Ones.” The sound-color documentary was filmed and completed in its en tirety in the Orient during the past year while Dr. Pierce was recuperat- (continued on page 35)
%tah«k straight
ing field, to release its first three titles in A u gu st 1965. Mr. McCracken firm ly believes there is a serious need for the kind of literature which will motivate and instruct concerned Christians to an in telligent a p p lic a
I * ’m£ J H B paaii’s Iff« wlt«||i :; Bible : hfeguide, he grows s|ip0taid steadfast Cambridge VniyeHti^L | Press has mode . 1 Bibles since 1591. | When yott own a Cambridge Bible, yon own a boohmade with craftsmanship inherited through twelve generations. m 1 " a V a imbridt Bi6Ce< ' N V AT ALL BOOKSELLERS
Mr. McCracken
tion of their faith to the explosive problems of today’s culture. Word Books has been instituted to bring a new dimension to Christian book publishing, dedicating itself to the contemporary social, spiritual, moral and ethical issues of the day, and the involvement of the Christian church in grappling with the issues. Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice-president at large of World Vision, Inc., spoke recently at the first Pastors’ confer ence held in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Some 850 persons, mainly national
FORADULTS Now richer, more challenging “Bible Knowledge Course ” for Adults and Young Adults MAKES EVERY SUNDAY AN ADVENTURE IN DYNAMIC BIBLE STUDY! Improved Adult Teacher STREAMLINED! EASIER TO USE! • Gives you unified Bible studies, each dealing with a single, vital life-related theme. • Makes it possible for you to select your own method of teaching—lecture, verse-by-verse, or group par ticipation. • Provides a handy outline for logical organization and development of the text. • Offers remarkably clear, concise exposition of Scrip ture. • Furnishes a wealth of illustrative material drawn from contemporary life—you never lack an apt illus tration. • Supplies abundant reference material—10 pages for each lesson. —not merely a chapter here and there. Takes a class through the complete Word, a book at a time. A truly adult approach that helps relate Scripture truths to modem life. Sound doctrinal teach ing, with needed emphasis on life-relatedness, centered on the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, presenting Him as man’s only Savior and rightful Lord. G IV E S Y O U ALL THE BIBLE
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See the complete sample lesson packets for all nine departments! BIBLE-BASED • CHRIST-CENTERED • PUPIL-RELATED • DEPARTMENTALLY GRADED
SCRIPTURE PRESS Scripture Press Publications, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60188 Dept. KBA75 Please send me FREE SAMPLE lesson packets for the following Sunday School departments:
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JULY, 1965
o a message from the editor ^
R i g h t s R u n R a m p a n t
A^[ obs d e m a n d i n g t h e i r rights are appearing with more and more alarming regularity. It is frightening to realize how these groups are springing up and making their voices heard in every quarter o f our land. There seems to be no concerted effort on the part o f our politically-minded government officials even to try to stop it. Perhaps this type o f activity already has become a way o f life in our beloved land. If this is true, it reveals the fact that the America o f today is a far cry from the America o f our fore fathers. We would dare say that in their wildest imaginations the framers o f our Constitution and its amendments never dreamed o f the extent to which their words would be misinterpreted, mis used and abused by this present generation. It is passing strange that for one hundred and seventy-five years the laws o f the land were understood to mean one thing; now apparently they are distorted to mean something entirely different. Some o f us are haunted by the fear that this change in interpretation is not for the betterment o f our land and people. The unfortunate fact is that apparently these alterations have become an accepted way o f life in the minds o f the majority o f our citizenry. We dare predict that if these trends continue, there can be but one end and that is an overthrow o f our present form o f government. Its place will be taken by a rule by force o f some type set up under a dictator. Whether that dictator is elected by ballots or selected by bullets is o f minor consequence: the result will be the same. If the ideological revolution that is taking place in our coun try today were merely political, it would certainly be out o f place to refer to it on the pages o f a magazine like The King’s business. But it is not primarily political. Back o f all the politics and the ramifications o f unrest which we see manifested on every hand is a great spiritual warfare being waged the results o f which, from a human point o f view, are discouraging indeed. Few are those who give any indication whatever o f having any sense o f real responsibility toward any one else any where; everyone is claiming his own rights. Every march, every demonstration, every petition signed by a group o f individuals, every set-in, sit-down, kneel-in
THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE MISSION 2845 W. McLean Ave., Chicago, III. 60647 THE KING’S BUSINESS o perfect gift for friends THE ORIGINAL IRENE B. RANNEY RANNEYGRAPHS A V A I L A B L E A G A I N IN FULL COLOR ON 15" x 20" SHEETS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GOOD NEWS for Pastors, Teachers, Superintendents, and children every where: the original RANNEYGRAPH lessons are available again — ready fo r im m ed iate shipm ent, regular or flannelized. Widely used for 25 years, the RAN NEYGRAPH teaching aids were de veloped by Mrs. Irene B. Ranney with a warmth and simplicity that reaches the hearts of children, giv ing them a lifetime grasp of the basic Bible stories. SETS — MANUAL and CUT-OUTS: GENESIS— 23 lessons ShMtS regular flannelized (2 manuals) ................ .1 1 $4.60 $7.10 EGYPT TO CANAAN — 15 lessons .................. JOSHUA, JUDGES & RUTH- .. 8 3.25 5.00 12 lessons .................. .1 2 4.00 6.50 DAVID — 13 lessons . . . ..1 3 4.50 7.00 LUKE— 23 lessons (2 manuals) ............... .1 2 4.60 7.10 JOHN — 23 lessons (2 manuals) ............... ..1 2 4.60 7.10 ACTS — 14 lessons . . . . SONGS CHILDREN LOVE- 5 lessons ........................ 4 FOUNDATION LESSONS — 5 le s s o n s .............. . . . S U ED E D Order from THROUGH THE BIBLE PUBLISHERS 4032 Swiss Avenue •Dallas, Texas .. 8 3.25 5.00 1.50 2.50 2.00
or lie-in, is a proclamation to the fact that, "W e are demanding our rights.” Is there no voice to be heard anywhere in the land that emphasizes the individual and collective responsibility under the law? The church o f Jesus Christ has been characterized through the centuries by its emphasis upon one’s responsibility, first o f all toward God and then toward his fellows. The mod ernists o f fifty years ago began to minimize the preaching o f the cross and the Gospel message as revealed in the Word o f God and, instead, began to preach a so-called social gospel. This social gospel began with the preaching o f the "Fatherhood o f God and the brotherhood o f man.” The idea back o f this high-sounding phrase was that all men are children o f God and therefore all men, in the final analysis, are brothers. According to this sort o f preach ment, all men are working their way toward heaven, whether they be members o f Protestant churches, o f the Catholic faith, o f the cults, Mohammedans, Buddhists or what have you. Each is on his own particular railroad track traveling to one and the same celes tial city whose builder and maker is God. So said the liberals! Through the years this basic anti-scriptural notion has led to all kinds o f denials o f the great truths o f the Word o f God. These denials are evidenced in a multitude o f ways and by hosts o f in dividuals to a greater or lesser extent. This false conception finds expression in the preaching o f those who deny the infallibility o f the Bible or those who, in so many o f the late translations o f the Word o f God, endeavor to tone down the person and work o f Jesus Christ. It leads also to denial o f the atoning work o f Christ on the cross, His bodily resurrection and, o f course, the glorious hope o f His personal and imminent return. In addition, it cuts the nerve o f missionary giving. Those who do go out as mission aries imbued with this view are little more than religious "peace corps” enthusiasts. Indeed, why should missionaries go to the Moslem world or the Buddhist world if these people are already on the road to heaven? All o f this deadly development began when ministers left off proclaiming the glorious gospel o f the Lord Jesus Christ and began to preach the social gospel. Through the years voices have been raised, warning against these trends, but often they have been stilled amidst the clamor o f the popular pleas. Now the disastrous results o f this type o f preaching are becoming more and more apparent and the end is not yet. It is significant that in this generation the ideas o f the theo logical systems known as neo-orthodoxy and neo-evangelicalism are being listened to with increasing interest. Many, who until just a few years ago were preaching a solid soul-searching Gospel message, are now being caught up in this maelstrom o f theologi cal vagaries. It might be interesting to experiment with these present-day trends, just to see how they would work, were it not for the fact that already we are seeing the outcome and it is not a pretty sight. We are unalterably opposed to the so-called "social gospel.” We realize, o f course, that there are certainly social aspects to the true Gospel, which have a broad and solid base in (continued on page 35)
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JULY, 1965
M IS S IO N A R Y EVANGEL ISTS Bob and Anna Atwood They tie you to missions with color
ful experiences and music. Just returned from conferences in Central America.
Writ* tham at:
THE CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSION BO X 6945 D A LLA S. T E X A S 75219 WRITERS N. Y. publisher wants books on all subjects, fiction, nonfiction. No foe far professional opinion. FREE: Brochures that show how your hook can bo published, publicized, sold; tips and article reprints on wrltint, publishing, contracts. Write Dept. 230G K X P O f f T f O N 386 PARK AVE. Su N. Y. 16 tX P O tir iO M 8172 Sunset 6lvd., LA 60, Cal.
BIBLE t e l l s m e
| fo r t h e
Mr. Ed Steele (standing), general manager of KBBI, Los Angeles, checks over script for radio elinie with panel members, left to right, Rev. Raymond Syrstad, Rev. C. Chester Larson, and Rev. Paul Dirks. c a v - iv «r e A vk Cc\-\\QV\ CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CLINIC
New filmstrip by Ethel Barrett is a dramatic yardstick to measure your Sunday School. An inspiring experience for Sunday School leaders. Color sound. FREE USE. Gospel Light {Publications, Glendale. Calif. Dept.FK75
U S E B I B L E T R A C T S by Evangelist Paid J. Levin
Write for samples needed to win souls. Tracts are appealing in color, art and printing. Ask for "I'm Keeping the 10 Command ments." Act now! BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508-K Waterloo, Iowa
F or t h e p a s t t h i r t y y e a r s , Scripture Press of Wheaton, Illi nois has been pioneering in the field of Sunday School a n d Christian Education. Dr. and Mrs. Victor Cory, foun ders and present Chairmen and Edi tors of Scripture Press, have labored and encouraged the development of many areas in the total church pro gram of Christian Education. These areas include such things as the All Bible Graded Sunday School Curricu lum, Vacation Bible School Series, a complete line of Take Home Pa pers, Sunday E v en in g Training Hour Material, Children’s Church Material, Adult Electives, and many correlated teaching aids and materi als for the above publications. For the past year a new area of Christian Education has been pio neered and developed: T ra in in g teachers and workers through the medium of radio. The Christian Workers Clinic be gan in June of 1964 under the leader ship of the Rev. C. Chester Larson, Western Director of Christian Edu cation Extension for Scripture Press. Rev. Raymond Syrstad and Rev. Paul Dirks, West Coast Consultants, make
up the radio panel. The Christian Workers’ Clinic is heard each Saturday morning over station KBBI at 9‘:30 a.m. Each pro gram has two distinct features: The Clinic, and The Teaching Tip. Along with these features, the “ Sunday School Scrapbook” and “ Ideas that work,” add spice and life to the program. During the Clinic, pertinent prob lems and questions are analyzed and answered. Most of these problems and questions are sent in from the vast radio audience. The Teaching Tip is a Home Training Workers’ Course, which re quires registration and study. The current course of study is “ Effec tive Teaching,” consisting of twelve lessons which are generally present ed week by'week by one of the panel members. Upon completion of the examination, a certificate of award is issued to each of the workers en rolled. The teaching tip usually is received by the radio audience during the past months. The next course of study will be “ Mental Health for Christians,” beginning early in the summer. Regarding the future of the pro-
A staff of sixteen dedicated Christian psycho logists and professional counselors plus one full time medical doctor. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre marriage, marriage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Director PHONE MU 1-5669 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 35 So. Raymond Pasadena, Calif.
gram, Rev. Mr. Larson says, “We have invitations to expand the pro gram to many other stations. Un doubtedly this will be done in the future. There is a possibility of a national hook-up in the fall. The one encouraging fa c t is tha t many churches and pastors are announc ing the program and encouraging their workers and teachers to listen to it. As one Pastor said: “ Our teachers and workers capnot be over trained. I find that the program is a real source of information and in spiration. Anyone who listens will learn.” Hence one of the by-words of the program was coined which is: Learn As You Listen. Another Director of Christian Education reported that he was taping parts of the program and using the tapes as part of his work ers’ and staff meetings. “ It’s just like having the panel right with us in our meeting, especially since we know the panel so well.” As a result of the program, the nanel has been asked to share in Christian Workers’ Clinics in various churches and groups. We have “more invitations than we can handle,” said Mr. Larson, “but we like to hear from our radio audience. Write to Box 2800, Tustin, California. Be sure to write this week!” Rev. Paul Dirks, formerly with the Church of the Open Door in down town Los Angeles, and now the Di rector of Christian Education for the Conservative Baptist Convention in Southern California, and Rev. Raymond Syrstad, Minister of Edu cation in the Bethany B a p t is t Church in West Covina and Presi dent of the .National Association of the Directors of Christian Educa tion, with Rev. Mr. Larson, make up the panel for the Christian Workers’ Clinic. Mr. Larson concluded by saying, “ Today more than ever the Chris tian Church is asking for help which brings results and doesn’t take too much time. We are therefore en deavoring to do all we can, for all the people we can, in all the ways we can, in as little time as we can to help all Christian workers, teachers and leaders to do a better job. We are sure that the Christian Work ers’ Clinic is doing this very thing, and we trust to develop this area of training as we continue to pioneer. Above all things, Scripture Press de sires to meet the great challenge of the Church and Christian Education today. We do know that the Total Church Program will a d v a n c e through the efforts of Training by Radio today, through the Christian Workers’ Clinic.”
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Through it all there runs the strength of Christian witness in human con tacts. Vividly the author shares a complex of Somali idiom, Muslim faith, hippo hunting and American parties. Mr. Eby taught English as a missionary in Somalia and later traveled in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, Ethiopia and Europe. In true tradition he is married to a daughter of missionaries. $3.00 Order from your bookstore or Dept. KB HERALD PRESS Scottdale, Pa. 15683
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One of the new areas of training is Biola’s Nursing program. Because we are convinced that there is a need for more qualified Christian nurses, we are preparing this coordinated program in general college education and nursing. One other new and important major is in Physical Education. Christian leadership in this field will present untold opportuni ties to win young people to Christ. B IO LA COLLEGE 13800 BIOLA AVENUE LA M IR A D A • CAL IFORN IA
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by Arthur H. Giles, Pastor, Greysolon Church, Duluth, Minnesota
A t t h e t im e o f C h r is t , the population of the world is estimated to have been about 200 million. The popu lation is said not to have reached the one billion mark until the early 19th century. In less than 100 years, the population rose to two billion and today it is said be three billion. According to a United Nations report, by the year A.D. 2000 the world population will be six bil lion. God is not capricious. He would never destroy men for the sake of solving an economic problem. However, the Bible does reveal how, through God’s provision for His church and the judgments that are to fall upon a sinful world, the population of the world could and likely will be greatly decreased. Consider the following: 1. The rapture (I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corin- thians 15:51-?52). We believe that in the rapture God will not only take His church, but also all infants and all children under the age of accountability. This will be a tremendous exodus. When God’s sheep and lambs are safely in His Fold, let us look at the coming judg- ment predicted in the Scriptures. There will be a depopulation by: 2. The “ four horsemen of the Apocalypse,” Revela tion 6:8: “And I looked, and behold a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword, and with hunger and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” 3. Many that are left will die from the trumpet judgments of Revelation, chapters 8 and 9. “By these three were the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of JULY, 1965
their mouths” (Rev. 8:11; 9:18). 4. One third of the army of 200 million will be killed according to Revelation 9 :15-18. 5. Those who attempt to kill the two witnesses of Revelation, chapter 11, will themselves be killed (Rev. 11:5). 6. 7000 men will be killed in Jerusalem by the earth quake of Revelation 11:13. 7. Many will be killed by the beast out of the sea (Rev. 13:7). 8. When the seven angels of Revelation, chapter 16, pour out of their vials, many will die. 9. Five-sixths of the hordes of the Northern con federacy which will invade Israel will be destroyed. (See Ezekiel 39:1-4.) 10. Two-thirds of the inhabitants of the Holy land will die, according to Zechariah 13:8. In Isaiah 24.6, referring to the end of this age, the prophet wrote, “ Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate; therefore the inhab itants of the earth are burned, and few men left.” As Noah, his wife and their family, became the nucleus that founded a new civilization after the destruction of the world by the flood, so those compara tively “ few” that are “ left” after the judgments that just precede the return of the Lord to the earth, will be the forebears of that new civilization which will con stitute the millennial kingdom. Perhaps the “ population explosion” should not concern us as much as it does. God is able to take care of that too in His will and way. What is needed is to evangelize the population we do have. ii
U n t il r e c e n t y e a r s practically all Americans have been patriotic. The courage and integrity of the founding fathers coursed through all our veins. But patriotism has become almost a dirty word in some circles today, brought about by much international brainwashing carried on in schools, colleges, and not a few theological seminaries and pulpits of all faiths. It is stated that one ought to love and serve his own country above all others, but if he does, he is stared at as though he were some ante-deluvian or one still living in the Victorian era, loving the pomp and parade of empire, ever shouting: “ My country, right or wrong!” “ Brittania rule the waves!” Deutchland uber alles!” or other cliche. “ How out-of-date can you be?” detractors say, with a pitying smile. But patriotism is still a good word, a godly word, a glorious word. Patriot derives from the Greek patris — “ fatherland” — and denotes one who loves and loyally serves his own country. It is also a Biblical term and a Christian experience. God taught the Jews to be loyal to Jehovah, their God, and to love Zion, their own country. To this day a true Jew loves the Holy Land. Many American Jews today are deeply interested in the growth of the Jewish state in Palestine. The beautiful 137th Psalm was written by a lonesome Israelite who had been carried into captivity by the Babylonians over 500 years before Christ. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were driven into Babylon and Persia, many of whom never saw their own land again.
As they reclined in abject sorrow “ by the rivers of Babylon,” (perhaps the famed Euphrates) those who had brought musical instruments with them hung them on the willow trees that grew along the river bank. The Psalm says: “ By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.” When the Babylonian soldiers urged these D.P.’s to sing some of their glad religious songs, they refused, saying, “ How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” (or, “ in the land of the stranger” ) ? Then follows the stirring patriotic passage which every godly American should be repeating today: “ If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy” (Psalm 137:5-6). Not only is patriotism at a low ebb in America, but we discover that those who defend the institutions and principles of our republic are more often than not sub jected to vicious attack. We are sarcastically called “ flag- wavers,” “ super-patriots,” “ far-rightists,” “ extremists.” ists.” If you advocate patriotism today, automatically you become a “ radical reactionary” to the leftwingers, who tell you that you belong to a bygone era, that this is the 20th century, and that we must be relevant, and “ conform” to our time — to the internationalism that tolerates no national fidelity. Today’s modus vivendi with many is Keynesian, Fa-
“ . . . I have been laboring under the belief that America was founded by passionate patriots and that every great advance in the history of mankind was ac complished only by complete dedication to an ideal.” (Dorothy Roe — Chicago Herald-American) The patriot has a deep love for his country. Patriot ism is a Christian virtue. God has always recognized the nations as units in His earthly purposes (Genesis 10). When Christ comes again, He will deal with the nations (Matthew 25:31-32). The Gospel always creates a godly nationalism. Atheism and anti-religion are usually connected with senseless and destructive internationalism (Psalm 14:1-3). The patriot has a holy hatred for all the forces that would destroy his land (Psalm 137:7-8). Our enemies from without are well known today, but few are ac quainted with the enemies within our borders. Lincoln prophesied that if the United States were ever de stroyed it would be from within. The patriot hates irreligion (Psalm 139:21-22). He realizes that our nation is basically a religious nation. Americanism is morally based on Christ; collectivism is based on Caesar. Jesus said, “ Render unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.” America was founded by godly people on godly principles. The irreligious and anti-religious are the destroyers of our land. The true patriot has God-fearing qualities. Emphat ically, the best American citizen is a regenerated citi zen. He has qualities which the unregenerated cannot know. He has a divinely-guided character. He believes in authority, in the Bible, in the Ten Commandments; he believes in an authoritative God (Mark 1:22). The patriot is a praying citizen (I Timothy 2:1-2). He looks to God and depends upon Him, praying not only for himself but for those in authority — the Presi dent, Congress, governors, and ministers of righteous ness everywhere. The true patriot is a God-fearing citizen (Acts 10:1- 2). We cannot deny that religious men created America. America’s whole coastline from Cape Cod to Georgia was settled chiefly by godly men and women. They were the Pilgrim Fathers of Massachusetts, the Dutch Protes tants of New York, the Quakers of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the Roman Catholics of Maryland, the Covenanters of the Carolinas, the Baptist and Episco palians of Virginia. It was such people who gave char acter to America. In early days the school-books taught Christianity. Sermons were the most read literature of the day, were listened to as responsible, intellectual expressions. Sun day was very generally observed as a day of public worship. Work and amusements were silenced that men might attain the heights of spiritual vision and worship God in the appreciation of His truth. Blessing brought expressions of national thanksgiv ing, and experiences of defeat and tragedy, expressions of humiliation and prayer. In America men universally lived in a two-story world. They never allowed themselves to lack a con sciousness of what was going on in the second story. God’s people must rise up and, in the spirit of Israel of old, say, “ If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.” Let God’s people be patriotic Americans, be godly Americans. Let the godly people of our churches pray that God will save America and keep her strong in the world of nations in these trying, deluding times of world trouble. God bless America!
bian, Marxian, or the internationalism of the Council on Foreign Relations. In the words of a prominent offi cial, “ The American people have little, if any, need to be alerted to the menace of the cold war.” J. Edgar Hoover, America’s courageous prophet, has said: “ Patriotic endurance is a test of greatness. For our nation, the test began 189 years ago in Philadelphia when 56 American patriots signed the Declaration of Independence. From that historic moment on, the bells of freedom in our land have rung loud and clear — a triumphant message to a troubled world that America is indeed a beacon of hope for oppressed, freedom-loving people. “ There was no diluted patriotism at Independence Hall; nor were there any combat ‘turncoats’ at Valley Forge. These are latter-day by-products of decadent thinking. They represent a compromise of the moral and spiritual issues so vital to our survival. There can be no compromise where the cause of freedom is con cerned.” A Christian should never be ashamed of being a patriot. It is a godly attitude; be deeply ashamed of not being one. Multitudes make no effort to know what it means to be an American. They know only what it is like to live in America and enjoy the rights, privileges and prosperity which our deeply patriotic forebears bought for us at an awful price. What did some of these “ super-patriots” whom the modern internationalists would castigate so vigorously say? Hear them: Thomas Jefferson: “ The patriot, like the Christian, must learn that to bear revilings and persecutions is a part of his duty, and in proportion as the trial is severe, firmness under it becomes more requisite and praise worthy.” Theodore Roosevelt: “ Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the coun try. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country.” Can a man be too patriotic? He can, of course, be a fanatic, but when he is that he is not a patriot. Can anyone be too Christian? He can be a religious fool, but when he stays within the teachings of Christ and the apostles he cannot be “ too Christian.” Recently a Chicago newspaper carried a fine state ment: “When are you a ‘super patriot,’ a ‘sub-patriot,’ or a traitor? . . . How does one go about being just a ‘fair- to-middling’ patriot, which seems to be the currently approved attitude? . . . I was raised in the belief that patriotism is a fine thing and that it was not only "ad mirable but expected that any citizen should be ready to give his life for his country. “ Now it appears from public pronouncements . . . that it’s just as bad to be too patriotic as it is to be too treasonable. If we accept this strange new reasoning, we must conclude that it is all right to be mildly pa triotic, or mildly traitorous, just so we carry no belief to extremes. “ . . . If edited by today’s pundits, Patrick Henry’s famous cry, ‘Give me liberty or give me death!’ would come out something like this: ‘Give me liberty if con venient, but please don’t think I’m opposed to slavery.’ “ George Washington, following the current line, might have counseled his troops at Valley Forge thus: ‘Courage, men, but not too much! Win if you can, but don’t offend the enemy!’
JULY, 1965
by Henry R. Brandt, Ph. D.
O n e S u n d a y evening after church Mrs. Arnold spot ted the Bradleys and invited them to the house for coffee. “We’d love to come,” Mrs. Bradley said, “but we must get the children home and off to bed. Tomorrow is a school day and they’ve had a busy weekend. Maybe another time.” Mrs. Arnold was a loud, talkative woman; the Brad leys did not want to subject themselves to an hour with her. Mrs. Bradley’s answer got them off the hook and did not hurt anyone’s feelings. It was, however, a deceptive answer. Truth has a rugged hill to climb. It is much easier to deceive than to speak the truth. Man makes a habit of deceiving. Deception is so common and follows such well-defined patterns that the patterns can be named and described. Taken together, they are called “mental mechanisms.”
On the way home that night Mr. Bradley agreed with his wife that she had handled the situation extremely well. They both believed that she had done a good, whole some, constructive thing by turning down Mrs. Arnold’s invitation without hurting her feelings. This invented reason for the reply to the invitation was, however, a cover-up to explain why they did not accept the invita tion. Their answer was nothing short of a lie. Rationalization is a process whereby one justifies his conduct. By it he gives good reasons for doing a bad thing. Rationalization is the easy, the lazy way to get by. Who has not faced the desire to do something that his better self tells him is not right, but still desires to do it anyway? An example is exceeding the speed limit. “ I’m late getting home and I don’t want to worry
out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned” (I Tim. 1:5). Charles Cook imagined himself to be a cordial and polite individual because he sounded like one. But by his rationalization he was covering up a basic dislike of people and had fooled even himself into thinking he was a congenial man. He needed to face the fact that his geniality was only a front. But to deceive even himself was easier than squaring up* with the truth. Yet he could not get away with his duplicity. “ For as [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). Through rationalization it is possible to persuade yourself that an actual weakness of your character is a virtue. A white-hot temper can become in your think ing an instrument to produce righteousness in others. A real difficulty can be regarded as a big joke. Good deeds can be a mask for an appetite that thrives on praise. A spirit of revenge can be cast in the frame work of a search for justice. You can make yourself appear better than you really are and by your effort mislead others. Rationalization starts when you are un willing to admit the unpleasant truth. Rationalizing the truth violates a Biblical standard. “ Lying lips are abomination unto the Lord, but they that deal truly are His delight” (Prov. 12:22). “ The Lord shall cut oft all flattering lips and the tongue that speaketh proud things” (Psa. 12:3). “We are meant to hold firmly to the truth in love, and to grow up in every way into Christ, the Head” (Eph. 4:15, Phillips). If you form the habit of ignoring facts, brushing aside the truth, making things come out to suit your self, you will react in just these ways when a serious crisis comes into your life. You cannot rationalize in the small decisions and then expect to make the major deci sions in good unfettered judgment. By practice you can become expert at dodging issues or at facing them frankly and honestly. The Biblical standard of dealing only in truth is not designed to be a nuisance to the one who would abide by it. Rather it is the pathway to peace. Rational ization, on the other hand, will thwart your progress in life. The key to inner peace is self-discovery. The method is to forsake the wrongs you discover. “ He that cov- ereth his sins shall not prosper'; but whoso confesseth and forsake them shall have mercy” (Prov. 28:13).
my wife,” a speeding driver will say. It is a good-enough excuse. But in looking squarely at the facts, few persons would accept his reasoning as valid for breaking the law. Most persons are at least vaguely aware of incon sistencies in their lives. It is hard not to rationalize them. How difficult we find it to get down to reality and face conflict, or to harmonize disagreements. We dislike being shown up, having our pride injured, having our true selves exposed. Rationalization can become a subtle habit of the inner life. Dishonesty and deception can in time be come so easy to live with that you can “kid” yourself into believing whatever you want to believe. Charles Cook was anxious and restless. He found it hard to concentrate. When he sat down, he could never relax, so he got up frequently to pace the floor, to get a drink of water, to check the time, to look out the win dow. Cordial and friendly though, Charles was the type of person who made you feel that in him you really had someone who cared about you and your problems. “ Give me a call anytime,” he would sing out cheer fully to everyone visiting his office. Or, “ You’ve got to come over to the house and tell me more about it.” Some persons took him up on his offer of hospitality. And there was the rub! His friendliness was an act. He didn’t really mean for business associates to call him — let alone to drop in at his home. He was just making conversation. Whenever he was trapped, he had a way of getting out of it. “ I’d be glad to stop by some night,” a client would say in response to his invitation. “ How about Thurs day ?” “ Sounds fine. But let me check with the wife’s plans and call you,” Cook would say. Not for a minute did he intend to have this guy taking up his evening. The next day he would telephone the client to apologise. “ Sorry, but my wife’s got me tied up with the PTA Thursday night. Let me contact you later.” Why did he invite people to call him or visit him? It was the polite thing to do. Why did he then lie to the one he had invited? He did not want to hurt any one’s feelings. But occasionally Charles Cook could not get out of his self-made trap. He would have to play the role of genial host to people he did not like. His acting was superb. But what a distasteful way of life! Is there any wonder that he was an anxious, uneasy man? “The bread of deceit is sweet to a man, but after ward his mouth shall be filled with gravel” (Prov. 20:17). “Now the end of the commandment is charity
Reprinted by courtesy of Scripture Press Founda tion, holder of copyright. This article is part of a chapter from the book, "T h e Struggle for Peace."
JULY, 1965
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