Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia University, New York City, is a nationally known psychologist. He is the director of one of America's largest psychological clinics— The Christian Counseling center in Pasadena, California.
him about full surrender. You see, God is looking for people who are marked by total dedication. Whether God will ever really use you in life, depends mostly on whether you are willing to let the world go, and let God. This does not mean giving up happy times. Each Christian finds that the more he separates himself from worldly activities, the more Christian activities he takes part in and the happier he becomes. Don’t worry about not being able to witness. God will give you many opportunitities. You won’t have -to get on a dance floor to speak to oth ers about Christ. I do not believe your major prob lem is whether to dance. Your big gest problem is whether you are will ing for the Lord to have first place in your life. This I am sure o f—as a Christian you should not do anything that is questionable When God speaks to you about questionable activities, it is an indication that He is wanting to use you in a greater way. God says: “ Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (I Cor. 10:31). If you will take 30 minutes each day to read your Bible and to ear nestly pray about this problem, God will give you your answer within a few days. THE RIGHT HUSBAND Q. On the radio program recently you read a letter from a woman who had married an unbeliever and who was very concerned because she was afraid her sister was about to make the same mistake. I feel inclined to write concerning
the way God has worked in my own life. It may encourage young people to seek the will of God in selecting a life’s companion. You see, I grew u-p in a divided home; that is, my mother loved the Lord and my father was unsaved. He even objected to my mother’s taking us c h i l d r e n to church, but sh e took us anyway. This caused heartbreak and conten tion in our home. As a result of this home life, I promised God that unless I could have a Christian home when I mar ried, I would remain an “ old maid” all my life. And I meant it! Of course, there were s e v e r a l times when I could have married. The first man I really loved was, of all things, a divorced atheist. I was then 80 years old. I knew in my heart that God was saying “no” to this kind of a marriage. A fter much struggle and prayer, I surrendered my will to God’s. I knew that when God says “no,” He has something better in store for us. Sure enough, two years later God gave me a won derful, Christian husband. He is so patient, and tender, but I believe I love him the most when we worship in the house of God together. You see, my mother always sat alone. A. This letter which you have writ ten will be read by thousands. I am sure, too, that it will be a blessing to many. I trust that ministers, Sun day school te a che r s , and other church leaders will either show this page to young people or will mimeo graph it and distribute it to them. Teachers a n d administrators in Christian schools can also use it with their classes. How important it is for believers, not only to read God’s Word, but to obey it!
W H A T ABOUT DANC ING ? Q. I am a girl, 14 years old, and I have a question I would like you to answer. Is social dancing wrong for a Christian? I have been a Christian five years and am very active in the affairs of my church. Lately I have been both ered by the question of dancing. I’ve heard things and I’ve read articles that say a Christian shouldn’t dance. Dancing is part of our physical education program at school. I can see nothing wrong with it. While dancing, I have asked five boys to visit my church. Three came and two are now active members. I would have had no chance to invite them if it were not for dancing. I have never done anything I would be ashamed to have my pastor or parents see. Our conversation is centered around school, last night’s algebra homework, the class play or the merits of our basketball team. Please answer me. Is there any thing wrong with dancing? P.S. We dance in our regular school clothes with faculty supervi sion. I would give up the friendly exchange of ideas and the pleasure of moving in exact rhythm to the music if it is harmful to me as a Christian. A. I am very glad you have asked me about this problem. There was a time when I too had to squarely face this problem. In fact, nearly every born-again Christian has to face it. It is interesting to note that late ly you have been bothered by the question of dancing. If dancing were a Christ-centered activity, I am sure you would have no question about it being right or wrong. When each new Christian begins to grow in the faith, God speaks to
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