King's Business - 1965-07


From Santa Barbara and Bakersfield on the North, the desert on the East, the ocean on the West and San Diego on

the South. . . the

is heard 18 hours daily over BIOLA’s two FM stations.

W h a t d o I d o n o w ? ”

asked Carl, as he turned to his Christian friend. The next step was

LOS A N G E L E S K K B B I jg , 0 I0 7 .S M .C . 0 Itransmitting from Mt. Wilson)

Listen to "Telephone Request Time" with Brian Bastien, 10:00 A.M . Weekdays Thomas E. Steele, Manager

unknown to him. He was ready to go on but the way was not clear. Carl had been talking to this Christian about some big trouble in which he was involved. Carl’s friend tactfully showed him that the root of the problem was sin in his life. He needed more than a solution to this problem; he needed to have his life changed. He showed Carl from Romans 3 :23 that sin was the com­ mon affliction of the human race, a world-wide epidemic for which God had provided a cure. He said earnest­ ly, “ You need to ask God’s forgive­ ness and receive the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, to change your life.” Carl’s friend was very clear in outlining the complete way of salva­ tion. Carl asked some very thought­ ful questions about the process of coming to God. This Christian finally was satisfied that Carl understood the way. After a pause in the conversation, Carl asked, “What do I do now?” His friend was somewhat startled at the direct question for which he must have a sure answer. The entire con­ versation had led up to this strategic moment. The discussion, the answers given to questions, the Bible verses presented and the explanation of the Way of salvation culminated in this one moment of meaningful aspira­ tion, “ What to do now?” Carl was right. Something re­ mained to be done. A personal en­ counter with God was required. Cer­ tainly he needed to understand the process clearly. He also needed to know that the information that had been given by his friend was based on the authoritative Word of God. But the process was not complete. Carl's Christian friend recognized the opportunity. His answer was, “ Let us talk to God about it.” At once this became a personal matter between God and Carl. They talked to God about Carl’s need and his readiness to receive Christ and to have his life changed. The final thing to do is to meet God and receive His Son. “ For as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God . . .” (John 1:12).

S A N $ K B B W J } 9 102.9 M .C . (Full time FM Multiplex Stereo)

Enjoy "Recipe for Good Listening" with Roger Booth

Daily at 10:30 A.M. Phill Butler, Manager

For further information about FM, and for complete program logs, write BIOLA EXTENSION DEPARTMENT, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.


arm deJ / ille


A T KNOTT 'S BERRY FARM S b d v lifJ t , n ew

When visiting BIOLA, it's con­ venient and enjoyable to stay at Farm de Ville. Mail the res­ ervation order blank below.


Name & Address

Arrival Date

Departure Date

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Major Credit Card, Honored


JULY, 1965

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