n illllllllW IIIIIIIH IH IIIIH IIilHH IIIIIIM IIlIBWlB IBinilMlllHllin I BOOK REVIEWS ( B by Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D. ^ Librarian, Biola, College, La Mirada, Calif. S □nniniiiBiiiiiuuiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiMiniHHiiiniiiHiiiiiiiO A Theology of Christian Experience By Delbert R. Rose
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trine, which Dr. Rose calls “ the gos pel of grace and glory.” With cer tain aspects of the doctrine the Biola professors would not agree, but the story is one which ought to be read. The spiritual fervor exhibited is something to challenge anyone to a deeper walk with the Lord and a full er yieldedness to His spirit. Dr. Rose is professor of Biblical Theolo gy at Asbury Theological Seminary, Wi lmore , Kentucky. — 314 pages; cloth; Bethany Fellowship, Minne apolis; $4.95. Exploring Evangelism By Mendell Taylor The author combines here in one volume the history, methods, and the ology of evangelistic work. This is important for all churches, most of which get .their start in an evangelis tic atmosphere and activity. It is good to see at one glance the whole sweep of the history from the apos tolic times down to Billy Graham. The book is the kind of study that often forms the dissertation for the doctor's degree. Extensive footnotes support the material. A fifteen-col umn index provides good access to details. The author is professor of church history and missions at Naza- rene Theological Seminary in Kansas City.—620 pages; cloth; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $5.95. BOOK ENDS_______ (A Review of Current Publications) ON THE DAMASCUS ROAD by Avin Harry Johnson. 183 pages: cloth: Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. A Biblical novel of the time of Christ in which followers of Saul of Tarsus and Jesus of Nazareth come into conflict with each other. The story goes on to the time of Saul's conversion on the Damascus Road. BIBLE THEMES FROM MATTHEW HENRY se lected by Selwyn Gummer. 384 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $5.59. En larged version of a former work, with over fifty messages collected from Henry's commentary. Each is on a doctrinal subject and is outlined in summary form at the end by the compiler. THE CHURCH IS FAMILIES by Edward and Har riet Dowdy. 158 pages; paper; Judson Press, Val ley Forge, Pa.; $2.00. Guide for churches in planning and administering a home and family life program. Can be used as a text. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus, 15800 Biola Avenue . Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.
The title is not quite explicit as to the contents of this volume, and the subtitle, “ Interpreting the His toric Wesleyan Message,” gives only partial enlightenment. The book is really a scholarly examination of the American holiness movement as it is epitomized by The National Holiness Association and one of its most rep resentative l eaders, Dr. Joseph H. Smith (1855-1946). The material was presented to the State Univer sity of Iowa as a Ph.D. dissertation in the School of Religion and Gradu ate College under the title, The Theology of Joseph H. Smith. At a strategic era in the history of American Christianity, this was an important movement." It repre sents a protest against modernism and loss of spiritual f e r v o r in American Methodism, in particular, which issued in the formation of a number of denominations. The As sociation was independent from sec tarianism, but worked with many groups and individuals who found themselves in sympathy with its main emphases. Dr. Rose regards it, and rightly so, as a child of the Wesleyan Christian perfection teaching. One aspect of the camp meeting move ment which crested in the first quar ter of the century owes its impetus to this stream of spiritual life. The N.H.A. and the National Camp Meeting Association are covered in detail in the book. Joseph Smith was converted in 1874, preaching his first sermon shortly after that event. He enjoyed a ministry for well over half a century. The reviewer sat under his ministry in “ The School of the Prophets” at Red Rock Camp Meeting near St. Paul, Minnesota, in the summers of 1926 and 1927. This was an early morning Bible study class held immediately after breakfast, for which Dr. Smith be came famous in camp meeting pro grams. Nearly fifty educational in stitutions have been associated in one way or another with this movement, Asbury College and Seminary being among the most prominent. The remainder of the book is giv en over to a discussion of his doc
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JULY, 1965
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