King's Business - 1965-07

B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R C atch him , P aul !” Althea screeched as she ran to her desk fo r a jar. “ Here!” she panted as she and her brother, knees on the floor, maneu­ vered a small spider into the jar. “ At last a spider! Now I can get to my term project. Thanks for help­ ing, Paul.” “ You’re welcome,” her brother re­ plied with an e xagg e r a t ed bow. “Next time don’t scream so loud. You sounded like a whistling teakettle.” For weeks Althea hovered over her spider, feeding flies, adding drops of water to the jar, studying and de­ stroying the webs the insect wove in his attempt to escape from his prison. An occasional second spider was added. One day spider one died. Be­ fore his demise he had caused Althea some anxious moments. He’d escaped from the jar by climbing a web, but was recaptured; he was finicky in eating, refusing most of the spider delicacies offered him. Still our girl hovered over him. My daughter’s experience with the spider set me to thinking of simi­ larities in working with people. Through the wooing of the Holy Spirit in answer to prayer, I have “ captured” them for Christ. It hasn’t been easy to understand all their needs resulting from background de­ ficiencies, or to nourish them with proper spiritual food they deliberate­ ly reject. Friendship was often nulli­ fied by others in the “ family” who were not about to be friendly. I too, have known frustration, grief. Were my efforts in vain? Then I remembered “ . . . be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abound­ ing in the work of the Lord, foras­ much as ye know your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (I Cor. 15:58). Althea, your efforts were not in vain. You know more about spiders now than when you first began your proj­ ect. You learned the spider could not be manipulated to do your will. I’ve learned more about people. Maneu- verings on my part are worthless; only God’s Holy Spirit can create noble motivation.

For further information write to the Dean, Dr. Charles L. Feinberg 3800 BIOLA AVE., LA M IRADA , CALIF.

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