King's Business - 1965-07

with provision for the addition of other denominations. Both schools are accredited by the Western Asso­ ciation of Schools and Colleges. The enrollment for next fall is expected to be approximately 600 with a growth potential to 1500 or more. Dr. John F. Blanchard, Jr. has been appointed as full-time Executive Di­ rector of the National Association of Christian Schools beginning Septem­ ber 1, 1965. He has served the Asso­ ciation on a part-time basis while also filling the position of director of Wheaton Academy, Wheaton, Illinois. The National Association of Chris­ tian Schools serves Christian elemen­ tary and high schools, and is the only independent, non-sectarian associa­ tion of Christian schools organized on a national level, serving indepen­ dent and denominational elementary and secondary schools. The NACS provides guidance and materials for various phases of Christian school operation in addition to a teacher placement service. Dr. Paul Brodersen, retired dean of the Copenhagen Cathedral, recently told Billy Graham at the close of an eight-day crusade in Copenhagen, “We have not seen anything like this in Denmark since the revival of 1880-1900.” These meetings may have caused all of Scandinavia to be opened up for crusades. The crusade in Copenhagen, which opened with disturbances and near-violence from leftist gangs, closed with standing- room-only crowds of 9,600 in the forum which seats 8,000. Pictured above is the Forum on the closed night of the crusade. "R IG H T S " RUN RAM PANT (continued from page 7) the Word of God relative to individ­ ual and collective responsibility to­ ward God and toward fellow human beings. But one cannot discharge his responsibilities to others until he has been regenerated by the Spirit of God. First things first! Those who have been demanding their rights have had their day. We would dare to hope that soon the time will come when, once again, there will be thundered from the pulpits of our land a re-emphasis upon our God-given responsibilities to the souls of men.


PEOPLE IN THE NEWS (continued from page 4)

ing from illness. A moving, dramatic presentation, it shows both mission­ aries and Korean nationals at work in the service of Christ. Particularly gripping are scenes depicting a dedi­ cated Norwegian medical missionary physician and a Korean nurse min­ istering to some o f those whom the Lord Jesus Christ described as “ the least ones.” The film is now available on a free will offering basis from World Vision’s international center in Monrovia, California. Tom Watson, Radio and Films Sec­ retary of The Evangelical Alliance Mission, has recently produced a new film entitled “ Val­ ley of De c i s i o n ” which p o r t r a y s T E A M ’ S w o r k through the years, beginning with a r e - ena c tmen t of e a r l y evangelistic efforts in China in 1890 to the present world-wide expan­ sion. The 25-min­ ute color film is available through TEAM’S Chicago library. Rachel Saint, missionary with Wyc- liffe Bible Translators working with the Aucas, reports a growing urgen­ cy among the former “ Palm Beach” murderers to take the message of Christ to their savage downriver rel­ atives. Twice within recent weeks, a carefully selected group of Auca Christians attempted to reach the enemy village over jungle trails. Both attempts were unsuccessful. Chris­ tians have been asked to pray that God will guide and protect them. Clayton E. Halvorsen, associate pro­ fessor of music at Wheaton College, will conduct the Men’s Glee Club on their five-week concert tour to Eu­ rope this summer. The group first visited the continent in the summer of 1963. Edward A. Cording, director of the Conservatory of Music, will trav­ el with the group as the College representative. Dr. George L. Ford, president of Los Angeles Pacific College, and Dr. Corne­ lius P. Haggard, president of Azusa College, have announced the merger of the two colleges. The school is to be known as Azusa Pacific College and will continue on the present Azusa College campus, Azusa, Cali­ fornia. This venture in Christian edu­ cation is unique in that it provides for a college sponsored by a number of co-operating denominations. The merger of the two colleges brings to­ gether six evangelical denominations in a co-operative college program JULY, 1965 Mr. Watson

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