that the peoples of Brazil are spiritu ally hungry. Jack StowelPs descrip tion of the city-wide crusade in Ara- caju reads like a twenty-ninth chap ter to the Book of Acts: “What a delight to discover a city well prepared by a long campaign of prayer and personal visitation, with every home receiving a Gospel, a tract, and a personal invitation to the crusade. Moreover, the spirit of revival was so great that the Chris tians were being led of God’s Spirit in such zealous witnessing that be fore the actual crusade meetings ever commenced in the stadium, nearly 1,000 souls had decided for Christ, and the churches were burst ing at the seams! “ Nightly, in spite of rain, the crowds were coming, and souls were being saved. One night, I watched in amazement as 3,000 people sat in the open as the rain soaked them. Without even having time to preach, the evangelist simply gave the invi-
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I People in desperation seek something that will satisfy them. This woman is submitting to the “ spirit” of the dead which supposedly indwells the man in white. tation and saw over 50 people come forward. Normally, the Brazilians hate the rain, and run for cover im mediately, fearing they will catch cold, etc. But no one moved that night. God was there! “Then the rain stopped. So while the 50 were being counseled (by a fine corps of trained laymen), the evangelist preached a brief message, gave a second invitation, and 30 more came forward! The Christians were thrilled, and testified to their awareness that such things are ob viously not of men and must be of God’s Spirit. “ All this greatly encourages me, for it confirms what we have believed all along—that Brazil is ripe for a harvest.” Who will gather that harvest is the question we must answer. If the spir itists take Brazil, whose fault will it be?
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