C l a s s i f i e d A d s
Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping f— Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Stdre, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York 140-75.
I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen
Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam
RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan.
Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaran teed. Norris Bookbinding Co., 122 Stone, Green wood, Mississippi. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composed, ar ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray mond Iden (KB), Mobnt Vernon, Ohio. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, compen sation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Missionary personnel needed for proposed mis sionary radio station irj U.S. serving two Indian reservations. Write Navajo Bible School and Mission, Window Rock, Arizona. Order Today "How to Serve God In Retirement," $1.00 post paid. Travis Press, 531 Linwood Avenue, Santa Ana, California. You are needed. SPEC IALIZATION — write for free catalog— Biola School of Missionary Medicine 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Couple or ladies as live-in helpers in Christian rest home. 15 guests. Near Biola. Contact King's Business Campus Office. ROOM RESERVATION N ote : Please fill in as much infor mation as possible Name ________________________________ _ Address ..........I.......... ........ ................. City -------------------- ------....----- ----------- -— Arrival Date _______ __ _________ ________ Day of Week _________________________ Time of Day ...________________________ Accommodation Desired With Bath ........ Without Bath ........... Amount enclosed as confirmation of reservation $............. Number of Guests ......... Adults ......... Children ........ Plan to Stay: Day(s) ........ Week ...— .... Month .......... Desire Infor mation Concerning Permanent Residence See advertisement on opposite page
Phone: 691-1163 D I A I A E ll M E 13800 BIOU AVE. D I U L A r i L I V l J LA MIRADA, CALIF.
Students standing left to right: Richard Buhler, Hawthorne; Boh Policy (pianist), Walnut Creek; Jim Rueb, Sacramento. Seated are: Roland Gangstee, Medford; and Lyle Jacobson, Sacramento.
To identify yourself when writing advertisers, simply mention "King's Business."
July 9
(7:30) First Baptist Church, Gladstone
know v o u R
July 10 (7:30) Youth for Christ, Portland July I I (11:00) First Baptist Church, Salem (7:00) Hinson Memorial Baptist Church, Portland WASH INGTON July 13 (7:30) Lake City Community Church, Tacoma July 14 (7:30) United First Presbyterian Church, Bremerton July 15 (7:30) Immanuel Bible Church, Bellingham July 16 (7:30) Calvary Bible Church, Wenatchee July 17 (7:30) Youth for Christ, Spokane July 18 (11:00) Fourth Memorial Church, Spokane (7:00) Trinity Baptist Church, Spokane M ON TANA July 20 (day) Clydehurst Christian Church, Big Timber July 21 (7:30) Conservative Baptist Church, Billings W YOM ING July 22 (7:30) First Baptist Church, Riverton NEBRASKA July 23 (7:30) Berean Fundamental Church, Mitchell COLORADO July 25 (11:00) First Christian Church, Englewood (7:00) Judson Memorial Baptist Church, Denver
Evangelical Teacher Training Association Official Certificate (awarded by E .T .T .A . upon completion) Preliminary Certificate Course, 6 Units $3.50 per Unit ...................... 6 Unit* $17.00 Advanced Certificate Course $3.50 per Unit -------------------- 6 Units $17.00 Bible Study Courses Christ in the Tabernacle (Talbot) ..... $ 6.50 The Bible Says .............................................. 1.00 Studies in the Gospels ................................ 6.50 The Book of Acts .......................................... 3.50 The Book of Ephesians .............................. 5.50 BIBLE GEOGRAPHY (includes Atlas) 11.00 Bible Prophecy Courses The M inor Prophets, 5 Units (Feinberg) 16.50 The Prophecies o f Daniel (Talbot) 4...... 6.50 The Book of Revelation (Talbot) ................6.50 Bible Doctrine Courses Bible Foundations ....................................... 3.00 Practical Bible Doctrine --------— ....... ...... 250 Studies in Romans (Thomas) 7.00 Biola Correspondence School Dept. EC2 558 S. Hope Street, Lot Angelot 17, Calif.
July 28
(7:30) Omaha Gospel Tabernacle, Omaha IOW A (7:30) Grace Brethren Church, Davenport IN D IA N A (7:30) First Baptist Church, Goshen
July 29
Signed __________________ Date .................. Phone
July 30
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