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Dr. Clyde Narramore, Christian psy chologist, announces the purchase of property by the Narramore Christian Foundation for an East Coast Coun seling Center located near Harris burg, Pennsylvania. People from sur rounding states as well as Pennsyl vania will be served by this new Christian Counseling Center. Mis sionary-candidate evaluation, as well as counseling for returned mission
pastors and evangelists, and also many missionaries, were in attend ance. One of the highlights of the conference was the arrival of some 500 Christian workers on a 12-car special train from La Paz. One of the Indian pastors spoke for many as he saw a welcoming committee, com plete with a band, including the speakers and church leaders, and also buses lined up to transport them to the conference site on the grounds of the Bolivian Indian Mission. His comment: “ All this — for us?” The chief purpose of the conferences was as stated, “ To provide the opportuni ty for pastors to be together to warm their hands and hearts at the fire of Christian love.” Dr. William Culbertson, Rev. John Hunter and Dr. W. Robert Smith will be among speakers for the Mid-America
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aries, will be offered. Pictured from left to right, above, are Mr. T. J. Reese, board member from Indiana; Dr. Narramore; Mr. Noah Meyers, seller of the property; and Mr.Kenneth Mark- ley, eastern director of the Narra more Christian Foundation. Dr. James R. Hill of Bolivar, Mis souri, has been selected as chairman of the Biola College Music Depart ment, effective September 1965. Dr, Hill has been music director for jun ior high and high school bands, and is presently a member of the faculty at Southwest Baptist College. He holds BME and MA degrees and is a candidate for the Ph.D. Jarrell McCracken, president of Word Records, Inc., announces the entry of Word into the religious publish
K esw ick Conven tion to be conduct ed at Moody Memo rial Church in Chi cago in November. This annual gath ering has met for the la s t eleven y ea rs in Chicago and has gained the interest of evan g e lica l Christians
throughout the Midwest. Further in formation may be obtained by writ ing to Mid-America Keswick, Post Office Box 918, Oak Park, Illinois 60303. Rev. Lester P. Westlund, secretary of overseas missions of the Evangelical Free Church of America, was the main speaker for a $556,000 medical center in Hong Kong, known by some as “ the miracle hospital,” which was dedicated debt-free on Sunday, Feb ruary 28. The miracle tag has been attached to the hospital because of the many unusual ways in which God has answered prayer and worked to make its completion possible. The 45- bed hospital is located in a strategic section of Hong Kong. Dr. Gordon Add ington and Dr. Robert Chapman, from the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, left their practices to direct the work at the hospital. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., recently presented his newest film production, “The Least Ones.” The sound-color documentary was filmed and completed in its en tirety in the Orient during the past year while Dr. Pierce was recuperat- (continued on page 35)
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ing field, to release its first three titles in A u gu st 1965. Mr. McCracken firm ly believes there is a serious need for the kind of literature which will motivate and instruct concerned Christians to an in telligent a p p lic a
I * ’m£ J H B paaii’s Iff« wlt«||i :; Bible : hfeguide, he grows s|ip0taid steadfast Cambridge VniyeHti^L | Press has mode . 1 Bibles since 1591. | When yott own a Cambridge Bible, yon own a boohmade with craftsmanship inherited through twelve generations. m 1 " a V a imbridt Bi6Ce< ' N V AT ALL BOOKSELLERS
Mr. McCracken
tion of their faith to the explosive problems of today’s culture. Word Books has been instituted to bring a new dimension to Christian book publishing, dedicating itself to the contemporary social, spiritual, moral and ethical issues of the day, and the involvement of the Christian church in grappling with the issues. Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice-president at large of World Vision, Inc., spoke recently at the first Pastors’ confer ence held in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Some 850 persons, mainly national
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