King's Business - 1965-07


FORADULTS Now richer, more challenging “Bible Knowledge Course ” for Adults and Young Adults MAKES EVERY SUNDAY AN ADVENTURE IN DYNAMIC BIBLE STUDY! Improved Adult Teacher STREAMLINED! EASIER TO USE! • Gives you unified Bible studies, each dealing with a single, vital life-related theme. • Makes it possible for you to select your own method of teaching—lecture, verse-by-verse, or group par­ ticipation. • Provides a handy outline for logical organization and development of the text. • Offers remarkably clear, concise exposition of Scrip­ ture. • Furnishes a wealth of illustrative material drawn from contemporary life—you never lack an apt illus­ tration. • Supplies abundant reference material—10 pages for each lesson. —not merely a chapter here and there. Takes a class through the complete Word, a book at a time. A truly adult approach that helps relate Scripture truths to modem life. Sound doctrinal teach­ ing, with needed emphasis on life-relatedness, centered on the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, presenting Him as man’s only Savior and rightful Lord. G IV E S Y O U ALL THE BIBLE

ENTIRELY NEW Adult Student UNIQUE! HAILED BY PASTORS AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DIRECTORS! PRETESTED! • Takes men. and women into the Bible itself. • Enables them to study Scripture on their own. • Encourages application of the Bible to every facet of life. • Brings adults to class better prepared to participate. • Stimulates interest with pleasant variety of charts, diagrams, maps, illustrations. Join the growing vital classes that use Scripture Press adult lessons . . . ideal for home Bible classes, too! graggp DEPARTMENTAL!.Y GRADED, CHRIST-CENTERED COU RSES FO R EVERY AG E G R O U P IN THE S U N D A Y SCHO O L! Designed to make God’s Word personal and bring stu­ dents face to face with their need of the Saviour. • Step-by-step teaching plans provide abundant built- in teacher-training helps. • Freshly edited lessons each quarter keep approaches timely. • Varied teaching techniques stimulate student interest and response. • Challenging Departmental Achievement Tests help measure teaching effectiveness . .. • Tri-Level Workbooks for Primaries and Juniors adapt to their varying spiritual needs and abilities. • Colorful visuals keep interest at high pitch. M A I L THE C O U P O N or see your Christian bookstore for FREE SAMPLE LESSONS

See the complete sample lesson packets for all nine departments! BIBLE-BASED • CHRIST-CENTERED • PUPIL-RELATED • DEPARTMENTALLY GRADED

SCRIPTURE PRESS Scripture Press Publications, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60188 Dept. KBA75 Please send me FREE SAMPLE lesson packets for the following Sunday School departments:

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0 Cradle Roll □ Nursery □ Beginner □ Primary 0 Junior 0 Young Teen Q Senior High 0 Adult and Young Adult 0 Home

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Church Address.

Position in Sunday School.

JULY, 1965


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