o a message from the editor ^
R i g h t s R u n R a m p a n t
A^[ obs d e m a n d i n g t h e i r rights are appearing with more and more alarming regularity. It is frightening to realize how these groups are springing up and making their voices heard in every quarter o f our land. There seems to be no concerted effort on the part o f our politically-minded government officials even to try to stop it. Perhaps this type o f activity already has become a way o f life in our beloved land. If this is true, it reveals the fact that the America o f today is a far cry from the America o f our fore fathers. We would dare say that in their wildest imaginations the framers o f our Constitution and its amendments never dreamed o f the extent to which their words would be misinterpreted, mis used and abused by this present generation. It is passing strange that for one hundred and seventy-five years the laws o f the land were understood to mean one thing; now apparently they are distorted to mean something entirely different. Some o f us are haunted by the fear that this change in interpretation is not for the betterment o f our land and people. The unfortunate fact is that apparently these alterations have become an accepted way o f life in the minds o f the majority o f our citizenry. We dare predict that if these trends continue, there can be but one end and that is an overthrow o f our present form o f government. Its place will be taken by a rule by force o f some type set up under a dictator. Whether that dictator is elected by ballots or selected by bullets is o f minor consequence: the result will be the same. If the ideological revolution that is taking place in our coun try today were merely political, it would certainly be out o f place to refer to it on the pages o f a magazine like The King’s business. But it is not primarily political. Back o f all the politics and the ramifications o f unrest which we see manifested on every hand is a great spiritual warfare being waged the results o f which, from a human point o f view, are discouraging indeed. Few are those who give any indication whatever o f having any sense o f real responsibility toward any one else any where; everyone is claiming his own rights. Every march, every demonstration, every petition signed by a group o f individuals, every set-in, sit-down, kneel-in
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