King's Business - 1965-07

M IS S IO N A R Y EVANGEL ISTS Bob and Anna Atwood They tie you to missions with color­

ful experiences and music. Just returned from conferences in Central America.

Writ* tham at:

THE CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSION BO X 6945 D A LLA S. T E X A S 75219 WRITERS N. Y. publisher wants books on all subjects, fiction, nonfiction. No foe far professional opinion. FREE: Brochures that show how your hook can bo published, publicized, sold; tips and article reprints on wrltint, publishing, contracts. Write Dept. 230G K X P O f f T f O N 386 PARK AVE. Su N. Y. 16 tX P O tir iO M 8172 Sunset 6lvd., LA 60, Cal.

BIBLE t e l l s m e


| fo r t h e

Mr. Ed Steele (standing), general manager of KBBI, Los Angeles, checks over script for radio elinie with panel members, left to right, Rev. Raymond Syrstad, Rev. C. Chester Larson, and Rev. Paul Dirks. c a v - iv «r e A vk Cc\-\\QV\ CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CLINIC

New filmstrip by Ethel Barrett is a dramatic yardstick to measure your Sunday School. An inspiring experience for Sunday School leaders. Color sound. FREE USE. Gospel Light {Publications, Glendale. Calif. Dept.FK75

U S E B I B L E T R A C T S by Evangelist Paid J. Levin

Write for samples needed to win souls. Tracts are appealing in color, art and printing. Ask for "I'm Keeping the 10 Command­ ments." Act now! BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508-K Waterloo, Iowa

F or t h e p a s t t h i r t y y e a r s , Scripture Press of Wheaton, Illi­ nois has been pioneering in the field of Sunday School a n d Christian Education. Dr. and Mrs. Victor Cory, foun­ ders and present Chairmen and Edi­ tors of Scripture Press, have labored and encouraged the development of many areas in the total church pro­ gram of Christian Education. These areas include such things as the All Bible Graded Sunday School Curricu­ lum, Vacation Bible School Series, a complete line of Take Home Pa­ pers, Sunday E v en in g Training Hour Material, Children’s Church Material, Adult Electives, and many correlated teaching aids and materi­ als for the above publications. For the past year a new area of Christian Education has been pio­ neered and developed: T ra in in g teachers and workers through the medium of radio. The Christian Workers Clinic be­ gan in June of 1964 under the leader­ ship of the Rev. C. Chester Larson, Western Director of Christian Edu­ cation Extension for Scripture Press. Rev. Raymond Syrstad and Rev. Paul Dirks, West Coast Consultants, make

up the radio panel. The Christian Workers’ Clinic is heard each Saturday morning over station KBBI at 9‘:30 a.m. Each pro­ gram has two distinct features: The Clinic, and The Teaching Tip. Along with these features, the “ Sunday School Scrapbook” and “ Ideas that work,” add spice and life to the program. During the Clinic, pertinent prob­ lems and questions are analyzed and answered. Most of these problems and questions are sent in from the vast radio audience. The Teaching Tip is a Home Training Workers’ Course, which re­ quires registration and study. The current course of study is “ Effec­ tive Teaching,” consisting of twelve lessons which are generally present­ ed week by'week by one of the panel members. Upon completion of the examination, a certificate of award is issued to each of the workers en­ rolled. The teaching tip usually is received by the radio audience during the past months. The next course of study will be “ Mental Health for Christians,” beginning early in the summer. Regarding the future of the pro-


A staff of sixteen dedicated Christian psycho­ logists and professional counselors plus one full­ time medical doctor. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre­ marriage, marriage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Director PHONE MU 1-5669 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 35 So. Raymond Pasadena, Calif.



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