CPTE_Effective Hip and Knee Pain Relief

STRAWBERRY & BANANA POPSICLES INGREDIENTS • 1 pound strawberries, washed and stems removed • 1 large, ripe banana • 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt • 1/2 cup milk • sugar to taste (optional: let the fruit do the work instead!) DIRECTIONS Add the strawberries, banana, milk, and yogurt to the bowl of a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Taste and add sugar if needed, depending on the ripeness of your fruit and your taste preferences. Pour the liquid into popsicle molds (or even paper cups), insert the handles, and freeze until firm, generally overnight. Enjoy frozen the next day.

1. Harvest Your Herbs. Herbs tend to have higher levels of antioxidants and other phytonutrients than other types of vegetables. So even though we tend to eat them in relatively small quantities, herbs can add a lot of nutrition to foods. 2. Become A Soup. Getting into the habit of making a big pot of soup every weekend is a great way to improve your nutrition all week long. If you’re using a pressure cooker or slow cooker, they also need very little supervision while they are cooking. 3. Make a New Fermented Friend. Probiotic foods help to promote the growth of helpful bacteria in your gut. Good gut bacteria can aid in digestion, nutrient absorption, and help you maintain a healthy weight. 3 TIPS TO IMPROVE NUTRITION IN THE FALL Fun & Games SUDOKU

Recipe Courtesy : Melissa @ www.blessthismessplease.com

Relieve Leg Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing pain.

Helps Balance & Mobility


SINGLE LEG STANCE (FORWARD) 1. Stand on one leg and maintain your balance. 2. Hold your leg out in front of your body for 10 seconds. 3. Return to original position. 4. Switch legs and repeat 6 times. 5. Be sure to maintain a slightly bent knee on the stance side.








    The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.  


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