Livable Future NOW - Summer 2024

• Reproduction: PFAS are linked to reproductive harm and lower birth weights. • Immune system: PFAS can weaken immune response and have been linked to vaccine ineffectiveness. • Cancers: Two older PFAS are classified as likely carcinogens by the EPA. PFAS Are an Environmental Injustice Due to the terrible history of building toxic facilities near Black, Brown, and low-income neighborhoods, these commu- nities are most at risk of PFAS exposure from companies making or dumping PFAS. Drinking water systems serving people of color are more likely to have PFAS levels higher than state standards. This means greater risks of developing severe health problems and financial hardship. PFAS contamination can shut down businesses and lower property values. Environmental clean-up and monitoring are expensive, and costs could fall

to families instead of the corpo- rate polluters poisoning them.

What Can You Do About PFAS?

• Use PFAS-free products Check out this list of PFAS-free products: • Protect your in-home water Reference our safe tap water guide: • Tell Congress to pass the PFAS Action Act This legislation will establish necessary regulations, definitions, and polluter account- ability to rein in the PFAS pollution crisis. Visit:

Katy’s kids have tagged along with her when she’s out gathering petition signa- tures for Food & Water Action. They’re a great reminder that the actions we take today will profoundly shape the world young people in our lives will inherit.

>PFAS - continued from Page 2

PFAS Are Bad for Our Health Research has linked PFAS exposure to problems in almost every part of the body. • Brain: PFAS can interfere with brain functions like attention and short-term memory. • Hormones: PFAS are linked to Type 2 diabetes, poly- cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), thyroid problems, and delayed puberty.

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• Bones: PFAS can lower bone health and density.


You're Powering the Fight for Clean Water for All

Your generosity launched our Water Action Team just ahead of World Water Day this year. This team of dedicated and passionate Food & Water Volunteer Network members is spreading awareness and building support for the PFAS Action Act and other efforts to protect our water.

Everyone deserves the peace of mind of knowing that the water they drink and cook with is PFAS-free and safe. Thank you for ensuring the Water Action Team can fight for our basic human right to clean, accessible, affordable, public water! — Katie Olsson

Katie Olsson, Volunteer Leader on the Water Action Team

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