Livable Future NOW - Summer 2024

Your Generosity Is Spreading Awareness About PFAS

something that should bring you comfort. The fact that you are aware, the fact that aware- ness makes you a conscious consumer — What do you spend your money on? Who do you support? Do they support legislation that is great for PFAS regulation? And crucially, it also empowers people and commu- nities to protect each other.” Thank you for generously investing in talent and passion like Natalie’s. Because of you, she and other Food & Water Watch experts are educating and spreading awareness about threats to our health and communities. * Wilbur Tennant’s cattle farm in Parkers- burg, West Virginia, was located near a DuPont factory producing Teflon nonstick products. His herd died of mysterious illnesses, as did local wildlife. Both he and his wife developed cancer. This legal case revealed DuPont's decades-long cover-up of the toxic effects of PFAS and its systematic efforts to hide evidence and manipulate regulators. Tennant’s story was brought to life in the film Dark Waters . Awareness is THE key! And something that should bring you comfort. The fact that you are aware, the fact that awareness makes you a conscious consumer... it also empowers people and communities to protect each other. — Natalie Balbuena

Food & Water Watch researcher, Natalie, presents her work on PFAS to an attentive class at George Washington University.

Earlier this year, George Washington University’s Dr. Ivy Ken invited Food & Water Watch researcher Natalie Balbuena to her class to speak about PFAS. Dr. Ken was using our Livable Future LIVE event and accom- panying article about PFAS as teaching tools to have her students examine how public awareness campaigns tackle social problems. Natalie was pleased to meet an attentive group of students. They were curious about how PFAS harms frontline commu- nities, what they could do as consumers to protect them- selves, and the corrupt tactics corporations have used to hide

the dangers of these chemicals. They were especially stunned when Natalie spoke about West Virginia cattle farmer Wilbur Tennant’s legal battle against DuPont.* “I really enjoyed engaging with students,” said Natalie, and summed up her experience with three words: “Motivation. I’m very passionate about this topic and put a lot of work into the research. I wanted to let my energy shine through so I can pass motivation on to the students — so they can get up and do something about the PFAS crisis.” “Also, momentum : We’re riding the wave as we speak when it comes to PFAS. We're living

and witnessing the history of people starting to regulate them.” “And, awareness : Awareness is THE key! And

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