King's Business - 1918-05

THE KING’ S BUSINESS 375 to Him. W e are told that He «hall “judge CAUSE.” Here the prophet distinctly says

the quick and the dead.” Jesus Himself declared that He would be the judge of all mankind, and emphasized the fact of the D ivine, character of that office. In John 5 :22, 23 He said, “FOR NEITHER DOTH THE FATHER JUDGE ANY MAN, BUT HE HATH GIVEN ALL JUDGMENT UNTO THE SON, THAT ALL MEN MAY HONOR THE SON, EVEN AS THEY HONOR THE FATHER.” The bestowal o f eternal life is ascribed to Him time and time again. In John 10:28 He Himself says, “ AND 1 GIVE UNTO THEM ETERNAL LIFE, AND THEY SHALL NEVER PERISH, NEITHER SHALL ANY MAN PLUCK THEM "OUT OF MY HAND .” And in John 17:1, 2, He says, FATHER, THE HOUR IS COME; GLORIFY THY SON, THAT THE SON MAY GLORIFY THEE :. EVEN AS THOU GAVEST HIM AUTHOR ITY OVER ALL FLESH, THAT TO ALL WHOM THOU HAST GIVEN HIM, HE SHOULD GIVE ETERNAL LIFE.” Here then we have the seven distinctively Divine offices all predicated o f Jesus Christ. This alone would prove that He is God, and we might rest the case here, but there are still other proofs o f His absolute Deity. IV. Statements which in the Old Testa­ ment Are Made Distinctly of Jehovah, God, Taken in the New Testament to Refer to Jesus Christ. The fourth line o f proof o f the absolute Deity o f Jesus Christ is found in the.fact that over and over again statements which in the Old Testament are made distinctly of Jehovah, God, are taken in the New Testa­ ment to refer to Jesus Christ. W e have not time to illustrate this at length, but will give but one illustration where many might be given. In Jer. 11:20 the prophet says, “BUT, O LORD OF HOSTS, THAT JUDGEST RIGHTEOUSLY, THAT TR IEST THE REINS AND THE HEART, LET ME 'SEE THY VEN ­ GEANCE ON TH EM : FOR UNTO THEE HAVE I REVEALED MY

that it is Jehovah o f Hosts who judgest and triest the reins and the heart. And in the 17th chapter and the tenth verse Jeremiah represents Jehovah Himself as saying the same thing in these words, “I, JEHOVAH , SEARCH TH E JH IND , I TRY THE HEART, EVEN TO GIVE EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WAYS, ACCORDING TO THE FRUIT OF HIS DOINGS.” But in the New Tes­ tament in Rev. 2 :23 the Lord Jesus says, “I AM HE WH ICH SEARCHETH THE REINS AND THE HEARTS : AND I W ILL GIVE UNTO EVERY ONE 0 9 YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR WORKS.” We are distinctly told in the context that it is “ THE SON OF GOD” who is speak­ ing here. So Jesus claims for Himself in the N. T. what Jehovah in the O. T. says is true o f Himself and o f Himself alone, and in very many other instances state­ ments which in the ,Old Testament are made distinctly o f Jehovah, God, are taken to refer to Jesus Christ. That is to say; in New Testament thought and doctrine Jesus Christ occupies the place that Jeho­ vah occupies in Old Testament thought and doctrine. V. The Way in which the Name of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son Are Coupled Together. The fifth line o f proof o f the absolute Deity o f our Lord is found in the way in which the name o f Jesus Christ is coupled with that of God the Father. In numerous passages His name is coupled with the name o f God the Father in a way in which it would be impossible to couple the name of any finite being with that of the Deity.' W e have time for but a few o f the many illustrations that might be given. A strik­ ing instance is in the words o f our Lord Himself in John 14:23 where we read, “JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, IF A MAN LOVE ME, HE W ILL KEEP MY W O RD S : AND MY FATHER W ILL LOVE HIM, AND WE W ILL COME UNTO HIM, AND MAKE OUR ABODE W ITH HIM.” Here our

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