King's Business - 1918-05



the Father is worshipped, but there are also incidental proofs o f His absolute Deity which, if possible, are in some ways even more convincing than the direct assertions o f His Deity. 1. Our Lord Jesus says in Matt. 11:28, “ COME UNTO ME, ALL YE THAT LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I W ILL GIVE YOU REST.” Now any one that makes a promise like that must' either be God, or a lunatic, or an impostor. No one can give rest to all who labor and are heavy laden who come to him unless he is God, and yet Jesus Christ offers to do it. If He offers to do it and fails to do it when men come to Him, then He is either a lunatic or an impostor. If He actually does it, then beyond a question He is God. And thousands can testify that He really does it. Thousands and tens o f thousands who have labored and were heavy laden and crushed, and for whom there was no help in man, have come to Jesus Christ and He .actually has given them rest. Surely then He is not merely a great man, He is God. 2. Again in John 14:1 Jesus Christ demands that we put the same faith in Him that we put in God the Father, and prom­ ises that in such faith we will find a cure for all trouble and anxiety o f heart. His words are, “LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED ; BELIEVE IN GOD, BELIEVE ALSO IN ME." It is clear that He demands the same absolute faith to be put in Himself that is to be put in God Almighty. Now in Jer. 17:5, scripture with which our Lord Jesus was perfectly famil­ iar, we read “ THUS SA ITH JEH OV AH : CURSED IS THE MAN THAT TRUST- ETH IN MAN " and yet with this clear curse pronounced upon all who trust in man, Jesus Christ demands that we put trust in Him just as we put trust in Gad. It is the strongest possible assertion o f Deity on His part. No one but God has a right to make Such a demand, and Jesus Christ, when He makes this demand, must either be God or an impostor, but thousands and tens o f thousands have found that when

they did believe in Him just as they believe in God, their hearts were, delivered from trouble no matter what their bereavement or circumstances might be. 3. Again, the Lord Jesus demanded supreme and absolute love for Himself. It is clear as day that no one but God has a right to demand such a love, but there can be no question that Jesus did demand it. In Matt. 10:37 He said to His disciples, “ HE THAT LOVETH FATHER OR MOTHER MORE THAN ME IS NOT WORTH Y OF M E ; AND HE THAT LOVETH SON OR DAUGHTER MORE THAN ME IS NOT WORTHY OF ME.” And in Luke 14:26, 33, He says, “ IF ANY MAN COMETH UNTO ME, AND HATETH NOT HIS OWN FATHER, AND MOTHER, AND WIFE, AN D , CHILDREN, AND BRETHREN, AND SISTERS, YEA, AND H IS OWN LIFE ALSO, HE CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE SO THEREFORE WHOSO ­ EVER HE BE OF YOU TH AT RENOUNCETH NOT ALL TH A T HE HATH , IIF. CANNOT BE MY DIS­ CIPLE.” There can be no question that this is a demand on Jesus part o f supreme and absolute love to Himself, a love that puts even the dearest.relations o f life in an entirely secondary place. No one but God has a right to make any such demand, but our Lord Jesus made it, and, therefore, He must be God. 4. In John 10:30 the Lord Jesus claimed absolute equality with the Father. He said, “I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE.” 5. In John 14:9 our Lord Jesus went so far as to say, “HE THAT HATH SEEN ME, HATH SEEN THE FATHER.” He claims here to be’ so absolutely God that to see Him is to see the Father Who dwell- eth in Him. 6. In John 17:3 He says, “AND TH IS IS ETERNAL LIFE, TO KNOW THEE, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, AND HIM WHOM THOU D IDST SEND, EVEN JESUS CHRIST.” In other words, he claims that the knowledge of Himself 'is

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