King's Business - 1918-05


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\\T ANTED , because needed. It is a big * * sum o f money to need, but it is for a big business—the biggest business in the world, the business for God. The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles is entering its eleventh year o f service—enter­ ing it with a thankful and glad heart; thankful for the great privileges accorded it during the last year—the gracious privi­ lege o f training hundreds o f men and women in the Bible; men and women who are scattered throughout our own land and in the lands beyond the seas—missionaries, evangelists, teachers, home-workers and home-makers; thankful, also for the privi­ lege o f giving the Gospel to thousands o f men and women, hundreds o f whom are now in service in churches o f all denomina­ tions, glorifying God and helping to send forth the light; thankful, also, for the joy o f unselfish work—ten years o f service for the Lord who loveth us, and with but one regret, that the service has not been better done. Why do we need $50,000? Because we have $30,000 of building bonds to retire, and $20,000 of- interest to pay, and we record our faith in our God, who has never failed us, that we shall have it. W e have no hesitancy in asking our friends through­ out the country to help, for we know o f no better, safer or more satisfactory invest­ ment for the Lord than this. There may be some which are equally good, but none better. The range we cover includes all kinds o f service in all kinds' of places, and for all kinds o f people. For soldiers, sail- ors, seamen j men in shops and offices^ in missions, on the streets, the rural districts, among the oil fields, in homes, for Jews, Mexicans, Japanese, in far distant China and Korea, we are employing workers to do the work under our own supervision. IN ANY AMOUNT.—A woman who goes but to wash sends us $5 .per month.

She makes a good investment and will find her money, with interest, when she gets to glory. A hard-working woman recently set aside $150 o f her hard-earned money for work among the soldiers. She said, “ I will be compelled to go without some clothes, and it will take many months o f saving to replace it, but I give it gladly.” One mother residing in a distant city brought her diamond ring, for which she paid $145, and gladly dedicated it for work among the soldiers. How glad we are to have these gifts and to use them for our L ord ! WE W ILL ACT AS YOUR AGENT and give you a report o f the use to which we put your funds.. Read carefully our statistical report in this issue o f the maga­ zine. The time is short. What we are to do, we must do now. The night cometh. Will you help? And will you do it now? -------------- O --------------- ' NOTICE We have lately had numerous complaints regarding non-delivery o f books and pamphlets ordered from us. In every case, when the orders were looked up in our files, it was found that they had left our shipping department promptly and that the delay or non-delivery was the fault o f the mails or the express companies. Will patrons please remember that we cannot be responsible for delay or non-delivery o f orders at this time when the carrying facilities o f the country are in their present state ? When an extra amount is enclosed for insurance or registration, we will gladly have this done, thus being able to guaran­ tee safe delivery, but otherwise we cannot be responsible for orders after they leave our hands. B iola B ook R oom .

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