King's Business - 1918-05


THE KING’ S BUSINESS EVANGELIST NICHOLSON A Unique Figure and a Great Preacher—He Stands in a Class by Himself

hard. The rain did not spoil the meet­ ings, although it hindered many from attending. W e were all agreeably surprised at the large numbers which were irresist­ ibly. drawn to come. There were some features o f the meet­ ing o f special note: One all-night prayer meeting for men was largely attended, and no man who was present will ever forget the deep heart-searching, and confessions which were made as men lingered and waited upon God; nor will they forget the joyful notes o f praise, as men yielded to the Holy Spirit and found conscious vic­ tory over sin. There were men who have had many experiences o f what is called a “good time” in a night o f worldly pleasure, but all were ready to testify that a night o f prayer brought refreshment o f soul and joy o f spirit which the world had never given. The Sunday morning service for the Sunday School, parents, teachers and scholars, was wonderfully blessed o f the Lord. Young children were broken down and came sobbing to the front; others were radiant 7with joy. Mr. Nicholson told the children to go home and tell their parents that they had accepted Christ as their Saviour. One little seven-year-old found father and mother at the dinner table and rushed up to her father saying, “O, papa, I have Jesus in my heart,” and then put her arms around her mother’s neck and repeated her glad cry. The father, who was a follower o f Darwin, and the mother who was unsaved, were both greatly moved by the message from the lips o f the little one. Many backsliders were restored, and the church has had a real revival. Mr. Nicholson left for Sonora, Cal., for a three week’s, meeting and will return to Southern California for other services. JYe are hoping that he will give a couple o f weeks to special meetings in Camp Kearney. Pray for him.

"D E V . WM. P. NICHOLSON) the evan- gelist o f the Bible Institute, was with us during the month o f March, preaching in the Church o f ,the Open Door. The evangelist was not an entire stranger, hav­ ing preached here during September of last year.; He made many acquaintances then; he has made a host o f life-long friends now. He is a unique figure, among evangelists. He is not like any one o f them.' He has a winning smile and an irresistible laugh—but he : is a great preacher. As the school was in session, and the students thoroughly occupied, he did no teaching. A Christian never tires o f the Gospel, but there is a marked contrast in the method by which the Gospel is presented. Here is ,a man who compels attention. He is logical, forceful, Scriptural. He has a ready, rugged delivery. His analysis is clear and well-defined. His pictures are vivid, and his acting is splendid. His Irish humor is abounding. He hits hard. Worldly church members who hear him will never forget his arraignment o f their sins.' But the man has a tender, loving heart, and moves you to tears. The first two weeks were given to-messages to the Chris­ tians. One would think that in a church likeythat o f the Open Door, where hun­ dreds o f Bible students httend, there would be no need for heart-searching messages and appeals to a fully surrendered life, but God has wisely ordained the evangelistic office for, this purpose, as well as the giv­ ing o f the Gospel to sinners. ' Several hundred people were led to sur­ render their lives to the Lord, and many sinners responded to the call for the accep-. tance of Christ as Saviour and Lord. The two weeks given to the campaign for sinners, were chosen by the Lord as the time to bestow a much-needed rain upon California, and it rained good and

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