King's Business - 1918-05



o f Christians for a long time, accepted Christ as her personal Saviour. What a blessed time o f praise and thanksgiving was witnessed in the after-service! The pastor o f this church has been greatly used of God and has been pleased to build up believers, Save the unsaved, and the church is crowded, a splendid gathering o f young people as well as older ones. The pastor is a graduate o f the Moody Bible Institute. Thank God for such men in these days. What a living, flaming testimony they are for the Lord and the power o f the old Gospel.

gave strength, and the W ord was drunk in by this hungry soul. He came back to the Lord and all his trouble and excuses left him. He promised to look only to Christ in the future, and read the Word. “Where else can we go; thou only hast the words o f eternal life.” . Occasionally the privilege is given the worker to address •churches and present the work. ■Invitations come from all around the Bay District and often there are happy surprises. It was during a service in a nearby city that a lady, who had been prayed for .by the splendid congregation

r------ - o ----— WORK AMONG THE JEWS

James A. Vaus, Supt.

T HE past year has been the best, by far, that we have enjoyed in the ten years’ history of the Jewish work. Looking back over the records of those years, we note with thanksgiving that each succeeding year shows new growth and develbpment. The statistics for the past year .for the most part, double, triple, and even quadruple those for the previous years. The Jewish work, though beset by many difficulties and often hampered by the oppo­ sition o f unfriendly Jews, is being won­ derfully blessed of the Lord, and many Jews have been led out o f the darkness o f Judaism into the light o f Christianity. Most of these converts have had to face the curses, the sneers,_the contempt and ridicule o f relatives and friends, for con­ fessing faith in Jesus as the Jewish Mes­ siah. Fully realizing that the persecution accorded them would be increased ten-fold as a result o f their act, twelve or more Jews and Jewesses have publicly acknowl­ edged their faith in Jesus by baptism. At the present writing, we are making arrange­ ments to have another group of eight bap­ tized within a short time. In addition to the evangelistic work done in the past year, considerable relief work

has been done among poor Jews' o f the city. Many cases o f want and distress have been relieved, food, clothing and medicine have been provided, and free medical atten­ tion and free legal advice secured for others. We have no intention o f doing a purely philanthropic work, but experience has taught us that a slight favor rendered, a dollar or so in groceries or cash given to some deserving family at a time o f special need, has obtained for us access to hearts and homes which otherwise we might not have gained, and has enabled us to demon­ strate in a practical way the reality and sincerity o f Christian love. A number of conversions can be directly or indirectly traced to friendships made in this way. Our Jewish meetings, held in the Mis­ sion Home, are being" well attended, and the messages on vital Jewish problems and the testimonies o f Hebrew Christians, are being blessed to the salvation o f precious Jewish souls. We note, with gratitude, new interest on the part o f many Christians in Jewish evan­ gelization. This has resulted in more oppor­ tunities to present our work to the churches o f our city, and thus new friends have been

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