King's Business - 1918-05



raised up who have contributed to the suc­ cess of the work, not only by their prayers, but by their financial support as well. W e are now proposing, with the assist­ ance o f Bible Institute students who have had experience in working among the Jews, to hold street meetings in the .most fre­ quented Jewish districts. In connection with these meetings we are praying that the Lord will give us the necessary funds to open a free reading room for the Jews A MAN is dying o f tuberculosis just a few blocks-, from your home. Won’t you please go and see him before it is too late?” So the call came to us, as we were at breakfast. The first thing was to pray, for we have learned that “.apart from Him we can do nothing” but that we can “ do all things through Christ which strengtheneth us.” On our way over that afternoon, we- bought some ice cream and a little pot of English daisies, with which to pave the way for “the best wine” which is kept to the last. It was a hot day and that ice-cream went to the spot, while the flowers awakened memories o f the old home across the seas. The poor fellow was a pitiful sight; he could only lie on one side. The little cottage was scrupulously clean. The wife works down town, trying so hard to earn enough to keep the boy at school and the wolf from the door. It is easy to talk o f Jesus and His love to those who are suffering and in need, and as we quietly talked o f the abundant life He has pur­ chased with His precious blood for whoso­ ever will, and o f the great tender loving heart of Him who was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness o f God in Him. We were deeply con­ scious that the Holy Spirit was driving the message home and so we prayed for him and asked if we might call again. The next we heard, he wanted to attend ser­ vice in the little church near by, and it

in our district. They are very fond of reading and such a place would afford unlimited opportunities for personal work. With the help o f students this place could be kept open every afternoon and evening. Gospel services could be held each evening and many tracts, Testaments, Gos­ pels and books will be distributed in this way. Will you not pray with us that the funds to open such a place might be speedily forthcoming?

----- ---------O --------------- WORK IN THE SHOPS . David Cant, Supt.

was arranged with a Good Samaritan tp take him there in his auto. He was ready when we called. The precious seed had been growing “while men slept,” and this ¡time he asked that the way might be made simple and plain and so he “ Game to Jesus as he was, Weary and worn and sad; He found in Christ a resting-place, And Christ has made 'him glad.” He had been drinking at the muddy streams o f Tom Paine, Voltaire arid Inger- soll, but they couldn’t satisfy when that old preacher—Death—began to speak. Now he is drinking at the fountain which can never run dry—Jesris, Himself, the deep, sweet well o f life. “ Preacher” Death spoke to another man long deluded with a religion which knows nothing o f a living Christ. We were called to speak at his funeral. The widow was also delivered and saved, and now is making arrangements to take the two years’ course at the Bible Institute and devote the rernainder o f her life to Christian service; while several o f her friends, seeing the change in her, are inquiring about thé bet­ ter way. ■ / Others are awakening to their danger and peril in these dark days. Coming down on the car we were approached by a policeman and recognized in him one o f our old con- ' ductors who had sat under our message in other days in one o f the car barns. Great

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