King's Business - 1918-05


B y W I L L I A M E V A N S



Theme: The Ascension of Christ. T ext : Luke 24:50, 51; Acts 1 :9, 10. I ntroduction : The Ascension is a fact, not only the subject o f prophecy and foretold by our Lord and witnessed to by apostolic preach­ ing, but is also an answer to the world’s question, “Where is Christ now?” I. The Purpose o f the Ascension. 1. Godward—It showed that God was well pleased and satisfied with Christ’s work. 2. Christward—It was Christ entering again into His glory. Christ once in humil­ iation is now in the glory. 3. Manward—There was something in the Ascension for the disciples. It gave them a testimony, a fact o f vision and faith, and also an assurance o f His Coming again. II. The Manner of the Ascension. 1. It was a real event—No hallucination, no “ascended thought,” but an actual, real ascension o f the bodily Christ (cf. Luke 24:39). The disciples’ testimony o f the senses is to be accepted in this instance. 2. It was a bodily and visible ascension —this is important because o f its bearing on the Second Coming (cf. 1:11). III. The Results of the Ascension. 1. It assures the believer o f a represen­ tation in heaven—a Saviour and Intercessor in the glory. 2. The way o f access to God is made clear and open—Christ was a Forerunner. This the Old Testament High Priest was not. No one could follow the High Priest

into the mist holy place. Where Christ goes the believer may go. 3. The ascension o f Christ assures the Believer of power over all enemies and cir­ cumstances—in His ascension Christ was made head over all things (Ephesians 1:23). The believers are seated with Him in this place o f power (cf. Ephesians 2:1- 5 ). 4. The Ascension is an assurance and pledge o f Christ’s Secohd Coming (cf. Acts 1 :11). I f we admit the Ascension, we must admit the Second Coming. Christ will come as he went—personally, bodily, visibly, with the clouds and the angels. Theme: The Highest Education. T ext : Isaiah 1:17—Cease to do evil, learn to do well. I ntroduction : The highest education is the development o f character. Character is the greatest thing in the world. Life’s one great task is the building o f character. The absence o f character indicates hopeless weakness. I. What is character? There is danger o f grave misunderstand­ ing here. Some things are substituted for character. 1. Intellectual culture is not necessarily character. Character and culture do not necessarily go together, as history well shows. Solo­ mon, Bacon, Byron, were not saved from immorality because o f their scholarship. All the mere products o f understanding tend to death.”

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