King's Business - 1918-05



taught in the senior and adult classes, but omitted in the classes o f the younger scholars. I. Jesus' and Divorce, verses 2-12. Why did Jesus discuss the divorce ques­ tion at this time? What was their real motive in questioning Him about it? To what authority did He refer them? How did the Pharisees regard Moses? Did they quote Moses as giving a binding command­ ment, or merely a permission ? What is the difference, if there is any? What did Jesus say was the reason for the permission? T o what older authority did He then refer? See Gen. 2:23, 24. 1How did this bear on the question? By His reference to the creation o f man, upon what does, our Lord set the seal o f His approval ? Were there any other items o f the legislation given through Moses that were o f temporary application ? The mar­ riage union then is from, whom? What did our Lord (who is God) declare it to be? What effect had His answer on the Pharisees? When He went indoors who opened up the subject again? What did they evidently think about His teaching? What did He tell the disciples the re-mar­ riage o f divorcees was ? Did He make any exception ? See Matt. 19:9. Has our Lord ever changed this' standard? Has any Christian man or woman any right to disregard it? Note.—The St. Louis Republic recently published a table showing the divorce rec­ ord o f the world in which it was shown that Japan leads .the world in divorces, having 215 to every 100,000 population, the United States coming next with 73 divorces to every 100,000 population, the German Empire has 23, Sweden has 8 , Norway has 6 , England and Wales have 2, and Ireland has less than one. Do we not need today, to get back to our Lord’s teachings? II. Jesus and the Children, verses 13-16. What gave Him the occasion to teach regarding the proper value o f the little child? Did the disciple think that adults or little children were the most impor­ tant? How did their conduct affect our Lord? On what other occasions was He

“moved with indignation?” What did He mean when He said “o f such is the king­ dom o f God?” Do you know anything p ore wonderful and beautiful than the sim­ ple faith and trust o f a genuine little child? Is it that, that our Lord referred to? I f our Lord took the children up in His arms and blessed them, what will He say one day to those who refuse to allow children in their houses? What will He say to fathers and mothers who fail to care for their children as they ought to do? What will He say to employers who make it nearly impossible for even honest, hard-working .men and women to provide comfortably for their little ones? Note.—Do you know the beautiful little Scotch poem entitled “ The Maister and the Bairns?” It is quoted by Dr. Robert E. Speer in his helpful book “ The Man Christ Jesus.” O f course you recall the hymn—, “ I think when I read the sweet story o f old, when Jesus was here among men.” III. Jesus and Earthly Riches, verses 17- 31. What led our Lord to teach about riches at this time? What were some remarkable things about this man who came to Him? He was a “ ruler” (Luke 18:18), a “young man” (Matt. 19:20), a rich man (Mark 10:22). What was worth noting about the manner in which he came? Why? What attitude did he take to 1 Jesus? What does that reveal about him ? How did he address Jesus? Did Jesus, in His°manner, imply that He was not good? Did Jesus, in His answer, claim that He was good and there­ fore that He was God? In allowing the young man to fall at His feet in the atti­ tude o f worship, \yhat did our Lord Jesus sanction ? Why did this man who had youth, position and wealth as his portion run after Jesus—what did he want to know? Were the things enumérated not all he needed to satisfy him? Have they ever completely satisfied any man? What was the first test that Jesus applied to him? What commandments only did Jesus remind him of—those bearing on duties to God, or those bearing on duties to man? Why? What was the young man able to

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