King's Business - 1918-05



to be king over all the earth, but there were some who would not believe in Him. You know the city o f Jerusalem was closed in by a great stone wall and people had to enter the city through gates. As they were nearing Jerusalem Jesus asked two o f His disciples to go to a certain place and they would find a young burro tied by a rope, and for them to untie him and bring him to Jesus, and He told the disciples if any one should ask them why they were taking the burro, to tell them that the Lord needed the burro. These two disciples went and found the burro just where Jesus said it -would be, and as they were untying him the owners came and asked the disciples why they were taking him away, and when the disciples told them Jesus needed the burro, they said it was all right, and the disciples hurried back and took the burro to Jesus. W e can learn a great lesson from these men who owned the burro, for they were willing to let Jesus have their burro, so we should be willing to give any­ thing we have to Jesus. They put Some garments on the burro’s back for Jesus to sit on, and Jesus got on and rode, and the people were so happy to see Jesus riding as a king into Jerusalem, some o f them took off their coats (explain the outer flowing robes) and spread them in the road for Jesus to ride over, others cut off branches from the trees and palms to make it look beautiful for Jesus as He marched along. The people who marched along with Jesus on this beautiful Sunday morn­ ing said over and over a number o f times, Hosanna; blessed is he that cometh in the name o f the Lord.” Now let every one o f us who loves Jesus say these beautiful words together. (Repeat M. V. several times.) When Jesus got into the city on this Sunday morning, where do you think He went? Yes, He went into the temple. I f we love Jesus, don’t you think we will always be in our Sunday School and church on Sunday? Closing Prayer, thanking God for Jesus our king, and ask Him to help us to love Him better every day.

jolly, good times. (Hold up picture o f donkey or burro.) Yes I knew you would know him, because we have so many o f them here in California. Did you ever have a ride on one? Yes, nearly all of you, and m y ! what a good time you had. They are very useful animals for carrying people and supplies in mountainous coun­ tries and places where cars and wagons can not go. There are lots ' o f these animals over in Palestine, where Jesus lived on earth, but they were a little larger than most o f the burros we see here. W e are going to hear today how Jesus rode on one o f these animals, and He was the first one to ride on this one, and as He rode along the people said, “Hosanna; blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” So now the next time you ride on a burro you will remember that Jesus rode on one too, and are we not glad that Jes;us lived here on earth awhile so He can know just how to help us- while we are living down here. Let us bow our heads and thank Him for His loving care, and that we know Him as our king. Lesson Story .—Jesus had been doing so many wonderful things for the people, heal­ ing the sick, curing the blind eyes, and even bringing life back to some that had died, and doing these things that proved He was the Son o f God and a king, and He was getting the people ready to know that He was Jesus the king that God had promised He was going to send down here to earth. Jesus had been walking wherever He went, and this day He was walking with a number o f His friends, and they came near to the great city, where the peo­ ple from all over the country often came to worship God. I believe some o f the boys and girls on the back row can tell me the name o f that city where Jesus was going? Jerusalem. Yes, that is right, and that city is still there and we read about it today in our daily papers. You know the people that were living when Jesus was on earth were like the people now, for some o f them loved Jesus and believed he was the Son o f God and that some day He was

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