What points have both parables in com mon? To whom did Isaiah apply his par able? What gracious warning Was there for the Jews and their rulers in this par able? Did they profit by it? What did our Lord say the owner o f the vineyard would do when he heard o f the murder o f his son? What did God really allow the Roman armies to do to the Jews and Jerusalem after the Jews had sacrificed His Son? Teachers will find the account o f the capture o f Jerusalem by the Romans in The Wars o f the Jews” by Josephus, the Jewish historian, Books V and VI. What class o f people were angered by our Lord’s pdrable? Why? What did they seek to do? What hindered them? . II. The Attack of the Herodians, Saddu cees and Pharisees, verses 13-34. i. The Herodians ’ , Question, verses 13 - 17 . Who were the Herodians? A political, not a religious party. They supported Herod, and the Roman Government, and Roman customs, rather than Jewish nation alist aspirations. What was the purpose of the question they asked Jesus? 'What did they ask Him? What was the two-fold dilemma' presented? I f He said “ No,” He. would get into trouble with the govern ment. If He said “Yes,” He would lose favor with the people. How did He avoid both dangers ? How did His answer solve the difficulty? Caesar had a right to his own, and as their money had his image and superscription on it, he was only ask ing for that which by their very use of it was acknowledged to belong to him. Had they any right to live under the Roman government (the best in the day) and yet refuse to support it? I f there should be no taxation without representation, should there be any representation for those who refuse taxation? Disenfranchisement might help to cure some folks today in the United States o f America. What did Jesus add to His answer that was unasked ? What have we that is due to God and that the Lord says we should render to Him? To Him I owe my life and breath,
And all the joys I have; ' He makes me triumph over death, And saves me from the grave. Were the whole realm o f nature mine, That were a present far too small, Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my alk 2. The Sadducees Question, verses 18-27. Who were the Sadducees? A religipus sect o f the Jews, bitterly opposed to the Pharisees. They denied the authority of all the scriptures except the books o f the Pentateuch. They denied (rightly) the authority o f mere tradition. They denied the hope o f a resurrection and the exist ence o f angels and spirits (Acts 23:8). They placed no importance on the Messi anic hopes o f their people. They were wealthy and influential. The High Priest and his son-in-law at this time were Saddu cees. Later they were more active in oppos ing thè apostle’s testimony regarding the resurrection o f our Lord than the Pharisee?. Was their question an honest one? Were they seeking light, or were they endeavor ing to cast ridicule? What did our Lord charge them with in His answer ? Is ignorance o f the scriptures and .of the power o f God to be found in our country today? Whai is the result as seen in our country today ? What new ligh t. did He throw on the question o f our condition in the other world? How did this answer their question? What additional informa tion did He give them that they had not asked for? Are Abraham, Isaac and, Jacob alive now? On what did our Lord base His statement? Remember that the Saddu cees accepted the book o f Moses as author ity. Note that our Lord seems to be so sure o f the inspiration o f the very language ' o f Scripture that He relies on the tense o f ' a verb—“I am.” 3 - The Pharisees’ Question, verses 28-34 Who were the Pharisees? How did they differ from the Sadducees? They accepted as .authoritative the whole o f the Old Tes B B I Scriptures o f * e Jews, our present Old Testament, and in addition, a great
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