King's Business - 1918-05



other rational thing is there to do ? In contrast with this true life by the Spirit producing the fruits o f the Spirit, Paul puts the life into which the Galatians were in danger o f falling (and are we not in the same danger?). “Let us,” says Paul, (and by saying “us” Paul puts himself with them) “not be (more exactly, become) vain-glorious, provoking one another, envy­ ing one another.” How much o f the evil in the world today; and in the church, comes from desiring empty glory for ohr- selves and envying those who have more success or higher position than we (cf. James 3:16, R .’ V .). Monday, May 27 . Gal. 6 : 1 . Paul here makes another application of the law of love (cf. ch. 5:14), its applica­ tion to our conduct toward those who fall or transgress. He says that “ even if a man be overtaken (the thought is, caught in the very act) in any trespass (i. e., no matter what the transgression may be), those who are spiritual” should “restore such an one,” and they should restore him “ in a spirit o f meekness.” By those who are spiritual he means those who are guided and governed by the Spirit (cf. ch. 5:16-25). Those who claim to be spirit­ ually guided and governed by the Spirit should show that they really are spiritual, not by casting an offender off, or tramp­ ing him down, evert though the offense be o f a most serious character and he be caught in the very act; they should rather show that they are spiritual by restdring him. It is a true mark o f spirituality not to spurn the one who falls, but to restore him. The word translated “ restore” is the' word used of reducing a dislocated limb or member to its place. Every believer in Christ is a member o f the body o f Christ (1 Cor. 12:12, 14, 27), and a believer who falls into sin is a dislocated member and the strong, members should restore this dislocated member to its place. This does not mean that if a man occupies an offi­ cial position in the church and falls into gross sin he should be restored to his

sion renders the Greek word “self-control” but this is hardly an accurate description, for while it is control o f self it is not self that controls, it is the Spirit who does the controlling of self. What a beautiful life is here pictured,, the life we all desire to live, and it is possible for us all who are in Christ to lead this life. The simple way of leading it as set forth here is by giving\ the Holy Spirit unhindered sway in our lives, over our thoughts, bur imagi­ nations, pur desires, our feelings, our joys, our purposes, our will, our whole self, and letting Him bear His own fruit in our lives. We hear much in these days about “char­ acter. building.” That is well enough if we let the Holy Spirit do all the building, and then it is not so much building as growing fruitful. W e also hear much about “ ethical culture,” which usually means cul­ tivating the flesh until it bears the fruits o f the. Spirit. This the flesh will never do (v. 17; cf. Matt. 7:16-20). But let the Spirit rule absolutely, be getting filled with the Spirit continually (Eph. 5:18)* and all this fruit will appear. Again Paul brings his teaching into relation with the general subject o f the believer’s freedom from the law. Against .such fruit, he says, as results from a Spirit-led life there is no law. ' Sunday, May 26 . Gal. 5 : 24 - 26 . They that belong to Christ Jesus, or as Paul puts it, “ are of Christ Jesus,” those who are His, “have crucified the flesh,” i. e., they have renounced it forever and regard it as a cursed thing, on the cross (cf. Gal. 3:13), and with the flesh they have also crucified “ the passions and the lusts thereof.” The passions and the lusts o f the flesh are totally renounced and have lost their power. The believer receives his life from the Spirit (v. 25), he “lives by the Spirit.” This being the case, Paul says, since we “live by the Spirit,” “by the Spirit let us also walk,” i. e., let us give the control of our daily conduct to that same Spirit by whom and through whom we obtain life. Yes, let us. What

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