King's Business - 1918-05



duration and divine in its quality). The figure o f sowing and reaping is a favorite one in the Bible (cf. Ps. 126:6; Prov. 11:18; 22:8; Hos. 8 :7 ; 10:12; James 5:7; Matt. 13:3-30), but there is, perhaps, nowhere a more impressive and convincing use made o f it than here. The suggestion o f the 7th and 8 th verses are very solemn. On the one hand a glorious vista o f pos­ sibility is opened up. On the other hand an awful view is given us o f the possibili­ ties o f endless decay as one goes on for­ ever sowing and reaping corruption. Friday, May 31 . Gal. 6 : 9 , 10 . Paul here makes an application o f the great and unquestionable principle which he has stated—that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also- reap.” The application is on the positive side and the good side of- the sowing. Most o f the sermons on verse 8 are on the bad side o f the sowing. Paul’s application is, let us not withhold the good seed, through weariness and temporary discouragement, let us sow on. Or, as Paul puts it : “ Let

its not be weary in well doing: for in due season (perhaps not as immediately as our ambitions might desire, but in God’s good time—cf. 1 Tim. 6:14, 15) we shall (with absolute certainty) reap, if we faint not (if we are not relaxed).” Many fail o f the harvest because they relax just as God’s due time is about to break. And now in verse 10 Paul comes back to the starting point o f sowing by giving to the need o f others: “ So then,” he says, “as we have opportunity, let us work that which is good toward all men, and espe­ cially toward .them that are o f the house­ hold o f faith.” W e should do all the good in our power to all the men that we can and as often as we can, but there are those vwho have an especial claim upon us, “they that are o f the household o f faith,” (cf. 1 Tim. 5:8 ). -Now is the due season for sowing (by “ working that which is good” ). I f we improve it (the now, the present opportunity), the “ due season” for reaping will come hereafter. Let us make the most o f the present “ due season” while we have it.

Shall the Jew be Christian? 3,000,000 Jews in America Today! Protestantism is just beginning to see this wonderful opportunity. Christian leaders are more seriously studying the problem than ever before because JERUSALEM IS NOW IN CHRISTIAN HANDS The Fourth Annual Conference of the Hebrew Christian Alliance of America will be held at the Moody Bible Institute Auditorium (Old Moody Church), Chicago, 111., May 27th-31st, 1918. The most promi­ nent Hebrew Christian wofkers will be present. Well known Bible teachers and clergymen among the speakers. AN EPOCH MAKING CONFERENCE. The public is cordially invited. For further information address Mr. Jacob Peltz, Secretary, 3719 West 12th Street, Chicago, 111. Mr. A. B. Machlin, Local Treasurer, 3719 West 12th St., Chicago, 111., would welcome any pledge or contribution for the Conference Fund, Amount, tig Name ................ x...... ........... ..... ........................................................i..................,....;..... Address ...................... •• .....•• :■>

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