ORO2U Dirt Catalogue - Section G - Electrics

Electrical Wire & Protection

Electrical Wire Electrical wire (0.75mm guage), 14 Amp capacity. Single wire is available in 14 different colours and is sold in 4 metre lengths. Blue Wire 44-900.BE.4MT Brown Wire


Blue/Yellow Wire Blue/Green Wire

44-900.BEYE.4MT Black/Yellow Wire 44-900.BY.4MT

44-900.BG.4MT 44-900.BK.4MT

Green Wire Purple Wire

44-900.GL.4MT 44-900.PE.4MT 44-900.RD.4MT 44-900.WE.4MT 44-900.YE.4MT

Black Wire


Black/Blue Wire

44-900.BKB.4MT Red Wire

Black/Brown Wire 44-900.BKBR.4MT White Wire Black/Green Wire 44-900.BKG.4MT Yellow Wire

Electrical Cable (7 Core) Electrical Cable (0.5mm guage), 5 Amp capacity. Sold in 3 different lengths: 2.5mt, 5mt & 10mt. 7 Core Cable 2.5mt

44-903.7/2.5MTR 44-903.7/5MTR 44-903.7/10MTR

7 Core Cable 5mt 7 Core Cable 10mt

Flexible Braided PET Cable Sleeve A Versatile Cable Bundling and Protection Solution. The braided construction allows expandability up to 150% or more for quick and easy installation over large connectors and long installation runs Braided from PolyEthylene Terepthalate (PET) monofilament yarns. Available in 2 different sizes & lengths. Diameters shown are when the braid is in its natural state. Braided PET Sleeve 6mm I.D x 5mt 44-901.05MTR/06 Braided PET Sleeve 6mm I.D x 10mt 44-901.10MTR/06 Braided PET Sleeve 10mm I.D x 5mt 44-901.05MTR/10 Braided PET Sleeve 10mm I.D x 10mt 44-901.10MTR/10 extinguishing RoHS compliant PVC. Wall Thickness (mm) - 0.5 Excellent resistance to abrasion and petrol, oil and chemicals. All purpose flexible non-shrinkable. Resistant to heat and moisture. Available in 2 different diameters & lengths. Flexible PVC Cable Protection 6mm I.D x 5mt 44-902.05MTR/06 Flexible PVC Cable Protection 6mm I.D x 10mt 44-902.10MTR/06 Flexible PVC Cable Protection 10mm I.D x 5mt 44-902.05MTR/10 Flexible PVC Cable Protection 10mm I.D x 10mt 44-902.10MTR/10 Flexible PVC Cable Protection Flexible PVC wiring harness protection tube black. Manufactured from self Heat Shrink Tubing A tubing with 1000 uses. Simply cut to length, slide over the area to be covered, and warm with hot air gun. The tubing shrinks to give a perfect snug and neat finish. Shrinks by up to 50%. Available in Black or Red. 5mm I.D 6mm I.D 5mm x 1mt Black 44-904.BK.001 6mm x 1mt Black 44-908.BK.001 5mm x 100mt Black 44-904.BK.100 6mm x 100mt Black 44-908.BK.100 5mm x 1mt Red 44-904.RD.001 6mm x 1mt Red 44-908.RD.001 5mm x 100mt Red 44-904.RD.100 6mm x 100mt Red 44-908.RD.100 13mm I.D 10mm x 1mt Black 44-905.BK.001 13mm x 1mt Black 44-907.BK.001 10mm x 100mt Black 44-905.BK.100 13mm x 50mt Black 44-907.BK.050 10mm x 1mt Red 44-905.RD.001 13mm x 1mt Red 44-907.RD.001 10mm x 100mt Red 44-905.RD.100 13mm x 50mt Red 44-907.RD.050 10mm I.D




Heat Shrink Tubing

Cable protection Polyethylene Blue Only 10 metre rolls


44-917 / 44-918

20mm I.D 20mm x 1mt Black 44-906.BK.001 20mm x 50mt Black 44-906.BK.050 20mm x 1mt Red 44-906.RD.001 20mm x 50mt Red 44-906.RD.050

Cable Pro Spiral Wrap Covers wires neatly and easily. Can be taken off wires or cables fast. Protects cables from wear on the frame etc. Available in Blue 10 metre lengths. Cable Pro Spiral Wrap 13-120 Split Sleeving Split sleeve conduit tubing for wire/wiring loom protector. Flexible top quality conduit suitable for automotive applications and harness fabrication Rated to IP40 and IP67. Black. 7mm I.D 10mm I.D 7mm x 1mt Black 44-918.01MTR 10mm x 1mt Black 44-917.01MTR 7mm x 5mt Black 44-918.05MTR 10mm x 5mt Black 44-917.05MTR 7mm x 10mt Black 44-918.10MTR 10mm x 10mt Black 44-917.10MTR 7mm x 25mt Black 44-918.25MTR 10mm x 25mt Black 44-917.25MTR

Heat Shrink Tubing, Fuel Resistant (High Temp.) Diesel & Fuel Resistant / High Temp +150 0 C. Sold in 1mt lengths. Black. 9.5mm I.D x 1mt Fuel Resistant Heat Shrink 44-909.01 Heat Shrink Kit 95pc A mixture of sizes and colours of heat shrink tubing. Approx. 95 pieces; 150mm x 3.2mm - x70pcs, 150mm x 6.5mm - x25pcs. Comes with plastic storage case. Heat Shrink Kit 44-916 Coloured Heat Shink Tube Ideal for the recovering of control cables. Available in Team Colours; Black, Blue, Clear, Green, Red and Yellow. Sold in metre lengths. 10mm I.D x 1mt Coloured Heat Shrink 02-401

*Please visit our website for current prices

E-mail: sales@oro2u.com



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