Pride Magazine 2024

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We have all seen the horrors the people of Palestine have been suffering in recent months and we understand it is part of a much bigger problem. Israel has been occupying Palestine for over 75 years with impunity and this latest aggression has left over 37,000 people dead, many of whom are children. It is clear that this horrific assault, where so many innocent civilians are being murdered, maimed and orphaned with our complicity, is wrong. How is Israel getting away with it? They have powerful allies who will verbally condemn the violence while continuing to arm and finance them. Israel also has a very strong propaganda machine. Part of that is to show the world how ‘civilised’ a state it is and how they are freeing the world from the ‘savagery’ of Palestine. One of the tools the Israeli state uses is Pink-Washing.

project LGBT+ midlands

Up Cork Youth Group/Cork Queers for Palestine The queer community understands the transformative power of solidarity in driving change. We know that change will not come if we just sit and wait. We must take action. That is why we formed the Cork LGBTQI+ for Palestine bloc. Many of us who march under this banner every week were already going to marches for a long time and we felt it was important to nail our rainbow colours to the mast. We stand strong, and our numbers are continually growing. We know that we are a voice for Queer Palestin- ians who have asked globally for support, but we are also a voice for all the kids who will never grow up queer - who will never grow up at all. See our Instagram page @CORK.LGBTQI.FOR.PALESTINE for details. Pinkwashing is the action of an organisation, or government that promotes itself as LGBTQI+-friendly to gain favour with consumers and distract from other issues, while their actual support for LGBTQI+ rights may be superficial or non-existent. Israel promotes itself as a haven for all things queer to deflect international attention from its ongoing violation of Palestinians’ human rights and continue its brutal acts involving military occupation, ethnic cleansing, illegal settlements, apartheid, starvation and countless breaches in international law.


Cork LGBTQI+ for Palestine see through Israeli pinkwashing. We do not support the Israeli terrorist state. We do not support genocide. We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

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