Pride Magazine 2024

Artist Spotlight 2 Introducing our Cover Artist

Dean Breslin (he/him)

The Pansexual Pride flag, with its vibrant pink, yellow, and blue stripes, flutters in the breeze, representing the diversity of attraction beyond the binary. Nearby, the Non-Binary Pride flag, with its yellow, white, purple, and black stripes, serves as a beacon of visibility for those whose gender identity does not exclusively align with the traditional categories of male or female. Scattered throughout the crowd, other flags fly proudly, representing identities and orientations across the spectrum of gender and sexuality. Each one adds a layer of richness and diversity to the scene,underscoring the inclusivity and acceptance that defines our city’s Pride celebration. As these flags wave in unison, they not only symbolise the beautiful spectrum of identities within the LGBTQ+ community but also serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance. Their presence in the celebration speaks volumes about the progress we have made and the work that still lies ahead. Yet, amidst the waving colours and joyful cheers, there is a sense of hope and resilience—a collective determination to continue marching forward, together, towards a future where every individual is celebrated and embraced for who they are. Instagram: @creativesnapdesign

The illustration I have done celebrating Pride within the city, is a reflection on the kaleidoscope of pride within Cork. At the heart of the composition stands some of the city’s most recognisable landmarks and buildings, reflecting the spirit of inclusivity and acceptance that defines the city. The iconic Progress Pride flag, with its vibrant bands of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, and chevron along its hoist side, adorns atop a selection of buildings, proudly displaying messages of love and acceptance and symbolising the celebration of LGBTQ+ identities and the progress we’ve made towards equality. Down in the streets, a parade is in full swing. People from all walks of life come together, adorned with happiness and Pride flags. LGBTQ+ individuals, allies, and supporters march side by side. The energy portrayed is to reflect the electric, inviting and inclusive energy that pulsates throughout the day and how the city comes alive with the joy and pride of its inhabitants. Amidst the throngs of revellers, there are moments of intimate connection. Couples hold hands, friends share laughter and camaraderie. Each interaction is a testament to the strength of our community and the bonds that unite us. Among the throngs of celebrants, a sea of colourful flags billows proudly in the breeze, each one representing a different facet of the LGBTQ+ community. The Intersex Pride flag flies high above the crowd, symbolising unity and inclusivity. But alongside this flag, there are others, each with its own significance. The Transgender Pride flag, with its pastel pink, blue, and white stripes, stands as a powerful symbol of visibility and support for transgender individuals. Nearby, the Bisexual Pride flag, with its stripes of pink, purple, and blue, waves proudly, affirming the presence and acceptance of bisexual individuals within the community.



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