Pride Magazine 2024

Greenbow Deaf LGBT Ireland Greenbow is an organisation run for the benefit of all Deaf LGBT adults all over Ireland. Call: 01 874 9148 Email: Website: Is Rainbow Muid Is Rainbow Muid is a monthly peer support group which also aims to raise awareness of the issues facing LGBT+ people seeking international protection in Ireland. Email: LGBT Pavee This site was voluntarily constructed and independently maintained by and for members of the Travelling and Roma community, for its Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Questioning members. If you are struggling to come to terms with your sexuality, are looking for information on the location of support groups, or just general help and advice on sexual health, or how to deal and report homophobic bullying or behaviour, then look no further. Website: INTO The INTO LGBT Teachers’ Group is a trade union group that supports and advances the cause of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender primary school teachers in Ireland. Email: Website: Cork LGBT Archive The Cork LGBT Archive gathers, preserves, and shares information about the rich history of Cork’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. Digital Archive: Email:


LGBT+ GROUPS UP Cork LGBT+ Youth Group ‘UP Cork’ is a Cork based youth project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & questioning (LGBTQ) young people aged 15-23 years. Call: 086 044 3745 Email: Cork LGB Parents Group This groups for parents with Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual children of all ages, they meet the second Friday of every month at 7pm in LINC (11a, White St, Cork). MTU LGBT* is a student society for LGBT* students of Munster Technological University campuses. Their aim is to enhance the student experience in MTU through social, educational, fundraising and awareness raising events, campaigns and projects. Email: Website: UCC LGBTQ Society UCC LGBTQ Society are a student led society who’s aims are to create a safe space on campus for LGBTQ students, provide information in the hopes of creating a more tolerant student and staff community in UCC and to fight for equality on all fronts, Call: 021 480 8600 Email: MTU LGBT* Society with allies and as allies. This is done by holding a variety of social, political and cultural events throughout the year. Email: UCC LGBT+ Staff Network The UCC LGBT Staff Network supports LGBT staff in the university, promotes visibility of LGBT issues and seeks to make UCC an inclusive workplace. Email: Website: Choral Con fusion Choral Con Fusion is an LGBTS Inclusive Choir which aims not only to make musical progress but also to be a bridge between communities and to be an organisation that would welcome everyone equally, regardless of musical experience, sexual orientation, gender or background. Email: Website:

LGBT+ ORGANISATIONS Gay Project Gay Project provides information, support and resources for the gay, bi, queer and trans community. From their community centre in Cork they provide a range of resources including free condoms and lube, LGBT+ books, magazines and DVDs, LGBT+ and general health leaflets – and also provide support by phone and email. Gay Project also have a range of different social, peer support and interest groups such as those listed below. For more information please visit their website. • GOLD (A Weekly Social and Peer Support Group for mature men) • Queervibes (A Weekly Social Group for LGBT+ people of all ages) • Rainbow Ramblers Hillwalkers • Gay Project Meditation Group South Parish Community Centre Sawmill Street, Ballintemple, Cork. Call: 021 430 0430 / 087 164 6072 Email: Website: LINC LINC is a community organisation with lesbian and bisexual women’s health and well-being at the core of what they do. As well as being a community hub, LINC’s dedicated team host a number of weekly drop in sessions, provide peer support and a low cost counselling service. They deliver LGBT+ awareness training to businesses, organisations and schools around Cork. They host a number of health- based initiatives and supports as well as community-led interest based activity groups including but not limited to those listed below. • Cork Frontrunners • Gay Project Drama • OutLit Book Club • Cork Rebels FC • Gay Project Yoga Group • LINC Rebels FC • LINC Bookclub • LINC Ramblers Hillwalking & Hiking 11a White Street, Cork Monday to Wednesday 11am to 3pm and Thurs 11am to 8pm Call: 021 480 8600 Email: Website: BeLonG To Youth Services BeLonG To is an organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) young people, aged between 14 and 23. Parliament House, 13 Parliament Street, • LINC Boxing • LINC Drama

TRANSGENDER, NONBINARY & INTERSEX SPECIFIC SUPPORTS Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) TENI is a non-profit organisation supporting the transgender community in Ireland in all its variety. Unit 2, 4 Ellis Quay, Dublin 7 Intersex Ireland is a group set up to support intersex people and their families, educate wider society, and advance the rights and equality of all intersex individuals across the Ireland. Email: Gender Rebels Cork Gender Rebels is a group based in Cork City which advocates for and supports all transgender, non-binary, intersex and gender non-conforming individuals. Call: 087 366 9055 Email: Website: Cork Transgender Peer Support Group Cork Transgender Peer Support Group, is a confidential support group for people with a diagnosis, or awaiting a diagnosis of Gender Identity Dysphoria. This group is for people who are planning, or in the process of going through their medical and social transition, Call: 01 873 3575 Email: Website: Intersex Ireland and for those who have completed their transition. The group is a safe place to meet other Transgender People to: Share Experiences, Make new friends, Avail of peer advice and support. The group is strictly for over 18s only. Call: 085 193 5461 TransParenCi Cork & Transformer Cork This support group is for parents and family members of transgender children and adults. Meets on the third Friday of every month 7.30 - 9.30pm. Transformers is a peer support group for trans young people whose parents attend TransParenCI. Both groups run simultaneously but are facilitated in separate spaces. Call: 01 873 3575 Email:

HELPLINES LGBT Ireland LGBT Ireland is a national support and advocacy organisation working to improve the visibility, inclusion and rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender people and their families. They also offer support to LGBT+ people through a Support Line which operates 7 days a week over the phone or through the chat feature on their website. Call: 1800 929 539 Website: Email: Gay Switchboard Gay Switchboard Ireland provides a confidential telephone support service to the LGBT+ community and allies. Open 7 days a week. Call: 01 872 1055 Email: Website: GaySwitchboardIreland Samaritans Samaritans operates day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Their service is not only for the moment of crisis, they’re taking action to prevent the crisis. They offer people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. And encourage, promote and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives. Call: 116 123 Email: Website: Cork Lesbian Helpline Cork Lesbian Line is a voluntary helpline for women, providing confidential, informal information and support

Sexual Health Centre Cork The Sexual Health Centre is an NGO that provides non-biased information and offers non-judgemental support regarding sexual health, wellbeing, and sexuality. The centre offers a broad range of sexual health related services and supports including free Rapid HIV testing, an LGBTI+ Sexual Health Support service, counselling, and free condom packs and pregnancy testing. For more information or to book a Rapid HIV Testing Email: Call: 021 427 6676. For the LGBTI+ Sexual Health Support Service Email: HIV Ireland Ireland’s national HIV organisation which advocates for people living with HIV and the prevention of new HIV infections. Call: 01 873 3799 Email: Website: Act Up Cork ACT UP is a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis. Email:

Twitter: @CorkLGBThistory Instagram: @corklgbtarchive

regarding sexual orientation. Cork Lesbian Line is a member of LGBT Ireland. Call: 1890 929 539 (Wednesday 6.30 pm – 9.30 pm) Gay Information Cork Helpline

Gay Information Cork is a gay helpline service for men. It is a non-directive, non-judgmental, information and listening service. Operated by trained volunteers on LGBT issues. It is totally confidential. Gay Information Cork is a member of LGBT Ireland. Call: 021 427 1087 (Tuesdays 6.30 pm – 9.00 pm)

Dublin 2, Ireland Call: 01 670 6223 Email: Website:



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