Pride Magazine 2024

Munster Technological University (MTU) is firmly committed to promoting equality and diversity within and beyond our university community. MTU embraces diversity and is dedicated to fostering inclusiveness. MTU Commitment to EDI and a new LGBT+ Staff Network Launched in 2023/2024

Launching MTU’s LGBT+ Staff Network

In January 2024, we celebrated the launch week with two meetings held at both the Kerry North Campus and the Bishopstown Campus. All staff members were invited, particularly those who identify under the LGBT+ umbrella. The meetings provided a platform for discussing various topics, including the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals in Ireland and the workplace today. Attendees also explored what they would like from an LGBT+ Staff Network, considering both long-term goals and realistic objectives for the first year. The LGBT+ Staff Network aims to foster more inclusive campuses, create opportunities for staff to connect, offer peer support, provide a collective voice, and establish a safe and welcoming space. We plan to organize both formal and informal events, champion relevant causes, and raise awareness and visibility of LGBT+ issues at an institutional level. Looking ahead, we are committed to growing and evolving, ensuring the network remains a supportive and welcoming environment for all members. Our first official event is scheduled for June, which will be an off-campus social gathering focused on team building, networking, and perhaps even some dancing.

The establishment of the LGBT+ Staff Network at Munster Technological University (MTU) has been a long-anticipated milestone, driven by the dedication and enthusiasm of numerous staff members over the years. Spearheading this initiative, Siobhan Kangataran, MTU’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Manager, has worked tirelessly to inspire staff participation and support the group’s inception and development. The initial phase involved organizing preliminary brainstorming meetings, where key figures from the community and other universities were invited to share their insights, suggestions, feedback, and experiences. Although still in its early stages, it is inspiring to witness the network’s growth and development.

This commitment is evident in the numerous initiatives and actions undertaken over the past year, particularly those focused on supporting the LGBT+ community:

As President of Munster Technological University, I am immensely proud of our unwavering commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion. At MTU, we believe in the importance of belonging and representation, ensuring that every member of our community feels valued, respected and supported. Our efforts, from displaying Progress Pride decals to organizing events and receiving the Athena Swan Bronze Award, demonstrate our commitment to creating a safe space where everyone can be the truest and best version of themselves. Together, we are sending a strong message that diversity is celebrated here at MTU, making it a better place for everyone to study and work.

• The establishment of our new LGBT+ Staff Network in late 2023.

• Representation by the LGBT+ Staff Network Chairperson, at the national meeting of all higher education staff LGBT+ networks in Dublin in December 2023.

• A series of events held across all campuses as part of the EDI Roadshow in February.

Spotlight on MTU LGBT+ Staff Network Vice-Chair Maria Nugent

• A monthly newsletter from the EDI office, showcasing the commendable work being done across the university and highlighting relevant updates, training opportunities, activities, conferences, awards, e-learning modules, and EDI champions. • A Flag Week Coffee Morning hosted by the LGBT+ Students Society at the end of February, featuring Vice-Chair Maria Nugent as the guest speaker. • Receiving the Athena Swan Bronze Award, which includes commitments to several LGBT-related actions. • Displaying Progress Pride decals prominently on both the Bishopstown and Kerry campuses, complementing the Pride crossing established at NMCI last year. • Distribution of Progress Pride lanyards throughout the university, which have become highly popular among staff.

Maria Nugent (she/her) has been a dedicated member of the MTU community, serving as a Careers Advisor & Industry Liaison Lead on the Bishopstown Cork campus for nearly nine years. Throughout this period, she has witnessed significant growth and evolution at MTU. With over 25 years of experience in the youth, community, and education sectors, Maria brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her roles.

Maria’s Perspective on MTU as an Inclusive Employer: To me, inclusivity at MTU means fostering a sense of belonging, representation, and visibility. It’s about looking around our workplace and seeing ourselves reflected, whether in the lecture room, at the meeting table, or in the lunch canteen. Having worked in environments where I did not feel seen or represented, I know how isolating that can be. This is why the LGBT+ Staff Network is so vital and has been on my radar since I joined MTU in 2015. I want new staff members to know that we exist, providing them with the confidence to be their authentic selves at work. Our goal is to establish MTU as a desirable employer for LGBT+ individuals who are job hunting. MTU values inclusion and strives to ensure that everyone can be their true selves. For our students to feel safe, they need to see themselves reflected and championed by the staff. We are sending a strong message about being an inclusive workplace, especially in times of increased right-wing pushback. My hope and aim are to continue raising awareness and visibility of LGBT+ issues across the University, to develop and maintain inclusive campuses, and to represent and champion causes. We want MTU to be a sanctuary—a better place to work and study for all staff and students.”

As an out lesbian woman, Maria is deeply committed to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). She has actively volunteered on numerous committees over the years, including LGBT South Tipperary and LINC in Cork. More recently, Maria has taken on the role of Vice-Chair for the new LGBT+ Staff Network at MTU. She is enthusiastic about contributing to the network’s growth and development alongside Ben Slimm, the Chair based on the MTU Kerry North Campus. Together, they form a dynamic duo, balancing representation, location, and personality styles. Last year Maria had the pleasure to take part in and complete the Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace - Level 8 Certificate at MTU. This offered insights into best practice in inclusion including the legal framework organisations operate under.

Professor Maggie Cusack MTU President

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