Pride Magazine 2024

I want to take the opportunity to congratulate everyone involved in organising the Cork Pride Festival this year. Pride is a celebration rooted in human rights and protest. A time to open the eyes of those who still struggle to understand the deeply personal challenges that many face in accepting themselves fully. It is our duty as a society to make that journey easier and nobody should ever feel ashamed for who they are or who they love. In many ways, pride is a public expression of love in its many forms. Its vibrancy in this country is an expression of who we are - generous, kind, open hearted, loving, understanding, and accepting. But there is much unfinished business when it comes to LGBTQI+ rights. This year’s theme ‘Unity in Community’ will further highlight the need for everyone to stand strong against discrimination and exclusion. We have made great strides as a country, but we must continue to work to ensure we have an equal, tolerant society. One where everyone feels safe and a sense of belonging, no matter their sexual orientation. As Taoiseach, I will work and stand in solidarity with all of you who fight tirelessly for LGBTQI+ rights. Wishing you all a happy and safe Pride. A Message from An Taoiseach

Proud Media Partners to Cork Pride 2024

Simon Harris An Taoiseach



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