Pride Magazine 2024


Masc fashion is revolutionising the stereotypes of conventional attire, allowing individuals to explore their choices by wearing outfits that were once deemed to be exclusively feminine or masculine. Ireland is becoming more diverse with migrants, asylum seekers and refugees from all over the world, many of them from third world and religious dominated countries that have strong views in regards to style and gender. This means traditionally masculine and feminine presenting people in Direct Provision Centres face a huge risk of experiencing the worst kinds of abuse when sharing spaces with such individuals since there’s no type of training issued to them regarding the rights and freedom of the LGBTQI+ people living here. It's certainly hard to verbalise centuries of persecution of homosexuality and misogyny which has restricted the visibility of masc fashion and identity, this also extends to masculine presenting people who compete amongst themselves to understand that it’s not about becoming the most masculine person who has ever lived to be fashionable. Part of my activism is to archive my bold masculine style on social media platforms which exposes the Masc identity and female masculinity to uplift especially the black community and bring about positive change that has emancipatory potential beyond our LGBTQI+ circles and a creative educative way to engage cis heterosexuals who’ve probably never had a chance to see us up close. Being who we are, bravely is what continues to liberate us. I hope for a better Ireland that has more egalitarian spaces to eradicate toxic hypermasculinity and dismantle hegemonic heteronormativity. Language is the biggest tool we must use to understand one another, so the best way to create this society is to use it in a way that allows everyone to take part in equal access to participation for a healthy democracy. Fashion is a form of expression that falls under the category of non-verbal communication. For example, if we strive for more representation of masc style in the Irish fashion industry, from models to billboards to media, this visibility will shape culture. Fashion, expression and style as a non-verbal languages can speak volumes.

By Beryl Ohas (Ze) A warm clear, salty fluid seeped shamelessly down my face while I fiercely gazed right back at the crowds’ blank stares, eyes cold as a hyena’s snout.

It was my first time reading the bible in my local church and I regretted borrowing my nephew’s suit for the occasion. Good style starts from the inside and works its way out - which means being well-dressed starts with knowing who you are and how you fit into the world around you. Most of us have had the experience of being told that their masc (masculine) style is a way of trying to be men. This misconception has led to lots of masculine women being disowned, suffering bullying in schools and workplaces, excommunicated from churches, kicked out of communities and some beaten up or even killed. This is why visibility of masc fashion is essential to stress the fact that masculinity and femininity have nothing to do with gender. The concepts of masculinity and femininity have become less rigid, allowing individuals to explore and embrace aspects of personal care and grooming that were deemed exclusive to a particular gender. This is portrayed more in Western media platforms but is often excluded or underrepresented in African media.



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