Pride Magazine 2024

A Message from the Lord Mayor

On behalf of myself and Cork City Council, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone all the best for Cork LGBT+ Pride Festival 2024! The importance of Pride is ongoing, not only as a celebration but as a way to reflect upon all of the progress that has been made in terms of LGBT+ rights. Pride is a very important time of year. It gives the LGBT+ community and its supporters the opportunity to come together, build a sense of togetherness and celebrate Cork as a diverse, welcoming city and region. It is a joy to see the vibrancy and enthusiasm people bring to Cork LGBT+ Pride each year. This year’s theme Unity in Community reminds us that we must continue to work together to create a fairer and more equal society for all members of the LGBT+ community, in Cork, in Ireland and across the world. For many years now Cork City Council’s Community Section and Cork City Inter-Agency Group have pursued supportive LGBTI+ inclusion projects and events, working with the vibrant LGBTI+ community in Cork. This work with the LGBT+ community in Cork is essential to creating a more equal society for all, and is work we look forward to continuing. I would like to thank the Cork LGBT+ Pride Festival team, volunteers, sponsors and partners, who all work to make this event possible. Wishing you all a happy and safe Pride, Mise le meas,

Dan Boyle Lord Mayor


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