ORO2U Dirt Catalogue - Section E - Engine and Performance.

Filter Skins

Air Filters

PC Racing Filter Skins Filterskins are an extremely thin but durable air filter cover. While allowing maximum airflow, an oiled Filterskin will catch 90% of the dirt that tries to pass through the air filter. Between races or between rides, simply pulling off a dirty Filterskin and sliding on a clean one can save you time and actually save money on expensive solvents and oils. Filterskins are extremely elastic and each size will expand over a wide range of air filter sizes. Quick Release Filter Skins: QR Filterskins have a special sewn in tab and drawstring that runs to a velcro tab on the rear fender. Midpoint through a dusty or wet race, a slight tug on the velcro tab will clean the air filter by removing the Filterskin from the airfilter. This is done without removing the seat and eliminates the problems associated with a dirty and possibly clogged air filter. Filtered Air Box Vents. 18-050

Common Applications Small & short filters KX/RM60

Air Filter Dia.

Air Filter Length Quantity Part No



Pack Of 4 15-700.PC1.B

Small & tall filters/ Tall "clamp on" & "Pod"/Yamaha Banshee & Warrior/ Honda Fourtrax & Pilot



Pack Of 3 15-700.PC1.D

Full Size: Honda CR/CRF, CR80/85, CRF150R, Kawasaki KX/KXF/KDX/KLX,

KX/RM 65/80/85/100, Suzuki RM/RMZ/DRZ, Yamaha YZ/YZF/WR, YZ80/85, KTM's Quick Release Filter Skin Fits Same applications as 15-700.PC1.A



Pack Of 3 15-700.PC1.A

Pack Of 3 15-700.PC1.AQ

Filter Skins Fit this over your Air filter when your riding in severe conditions such as heavy dust and sand. This cloth pre-filter will act as an additional layer of protection. TwinAir Filter Skins come in packs of 2, CC Products come as a pack of 3 skins. Universal Pack of 3 Filter Skins 15-995.PK3 TwinAir Filter Skins Pack of 2 15-993.PK2


TwinAir GP PreFilter Covers TwinAir PreFilter with elastic edges to wrap around your foam filter for added protection during extremely muddy conditions. Fits over most standard MX/Off Road filters. Used by Grand Prix Motocross during harsh racing conditions. Twin Air GP PreFilter Cover CR/YZ/KX/RM 15-996.TA Twin Air GP PreFilter Cover CRF/KTM Type 15-997.TA Twin Air GP PreFilter Cover KTM/Husky 2016 15-998.TA


Twin Air GP PreFilter Cover

*Please visit our website for current prices E301a


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