Piston Kits
ProX Piston Kits ProX pistons are precision machined on the latest, state of the art CNC equipment. The same low-expansion, low-friction piston alloy is used as is used for all major Japanese engine manufacturers. ProX piston kits are a first class solution to replace the original piston in your motorcycle. ProX piston kits for sleeved cylinders are available in standard size and a wide range of over sizes. ProX pistons for plated cylinders come in standard size, A, B, C, D & over sizes. All ProX piston kits are supplied complete with piston rings, wrist pin and circlips, ready to install!
HONDA 2-Stroke Models
Piston Kit
Piston Rings
Piston Pin
Piston Clips
Small End Bearing
QR 50
40.75mm 56-W9925.075.PX
CR 80 (79cc) CR 80 (82cc)
1986 - 02 46mm 56-W041.PX 1986 - 02 47mm 56-W643.B.PX 2003 - 07 47.5mm 56-W833.B.PX
56-R1210.PX 56-R1211.PX 56-R1212.PX
56-7930.PR 56-7930.PR 56-7930.PR 56-722.PR 56-722.PR 56-722.PR 56-722.PR
56-0170.PX 56-0170.PX 56-0170.PX 56-0174.PX 56-0174.PX 56-0174.PX 56-0174.PX 56-0176.PX 56-0181.PX 56-0181.PX 56-0181.PX 56-0181.PX
56-821.PROX 56-821.PROX
CR 85 CR 125 CR 125 CR 125 CR 125 MTX 125 CR 250 CR 250 CR 250 CR 250 CR 480 CR 500
1988 - 91 54mm
56-8142.PROX 56-8142.PROX 56-8142.PROX 56-8142.PROX
1992 - 03 54mm 56-W676.A.PX
56-R1239.PX 56-R1240.PX 56-R1213.00
2005 - 07 54mm 56-W859.A.PX 1988 - 90 56mm 56-W905.B.PX 1986 - 96 66.4mm 56-W614.A.PX 1997 - 01 66.4mm 56-W702.A.PX
56-R1215.00 56-R1215.00 56-R1215.00 56-R1216.00 56-R1222.PX 56-R1222.PX
56-7924.PR 56-7924.PR 56-7924.PR 56-7924.PR
56-6373.PROX 56-6373.PROX 56-6373.PROX 56-6373.PROX
2002 - 04 66.4mm 2005 - 07 66.4mm
56-W801+00A.PX 56-W860+00A.PX
1982 - 83 89mm 56-W636.000.PX 1982 - 01 89mm 56-W636.000.PX
ProX 2-Stroke Piston Kits
• ProX pistons are manufactured by the same factories in Japan that supply the OEMs. This ensures OEM quality but allows ProX to make improvements upon OEM designs when needed. • The majority of ProX 2-stroke pistons are cast from aluminum containing approximately 18% silicon. This material and manufacturing combination reduces thermal expansion, allowing pistons to be run at tighter tolerances and reducing wear. • ProX adds additional performance features to piston designs where they feel necessary. For example, some 2-stroke pistons will have wrist pin oiling holes drilled in the bottom of the pin towers. • A quality piston’s performance is only as good as the components it uses. ProX 2-stroke pistons come with OEM quality, Japanese rings to ensure durabilty and performance is consistent throughout the entire piston package.
ProX 4-Stroke Piston Kits
• ProX 4-stroke pistons for performance applications are forged, while others are cast. Because most motorcycle and ATV applications are high performance, the majority of ProX 4-stroke pistons are forged. • When treated properly, 4032 alloy offers greater strength and more wear resistance thanks to reduced thermal expansion and increased hardness. • ProX 4-stroke pistons’ alloy reduces the chances of microwelding in the ring grooves thanks to the additional hardness. • ProX pistons are designed and manufactured to OEM specifications at a minimum. Some designs are improved upon based on market need or an OEM weak point. • ProX only uses rings that come from reputable Japanese OE suppliers. A piston is only as good as its ring pack. • ProX 4-stroke piston kits include the piston, rings, wrist pin, and wire locks. They are available for a wide range of applications
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