Start Small 2022
Scale Fast 2024
Think Big 2026
• Bank leadership
academy creates management and promotion pipeline
• Sponsorship program is
launched across the bank to help diverse employees get promoted to senior roles
Opportunity Equity
• DEI and HR pilot sponsorship program with ELT • Succession plan is in place for all EVP, SVP, and MD positions
Development programs focus on people from underrepresented communities and all members of the Bank for the various dierent levels.
• Develop an equity forward career development strategy and approach - DEIO and HR to continue to partner on development opportunities. - Clearly define the entry criteria for the Bank’s leadership development programs. Track post- ‘graduation’ succession or promotion activities. - The Bank has several development opportunities, but should perform an analysis to ensure programs oered are equitable. Then begin to create a framework that cultivates a pipeline for leadership positions. Succession planning is currently performed at the LT level, but should be considered for a few levels below with first time supervisors. - There should be transparency to all employees of the promotion opportunities. There should be honesty that a span of control exists and potentially utilizing Kwame’s job families methodology across the organization where applicable. - Provide career progression opportunities to diverse employees through open internal positions - Ensure DEI is embedded in all development programs that are oered - Embed DEI in career development programs so diverse employees get the opportunity to participate 1. Improved visibility to Bank-wide calendar for improved coordination between ERG ‘s and other Bank-wide activities. Provide a monthly summary of events at the start of each month. 2. Publish department level DEI mission statements to articulate how each leader will contribute to the Bank’s DEI culture and activities. 3. Partner with ERG members for gender and minority-focused college/trade group recruiting. - Have development programs focus on people from underrepresented communities and all members of the Bank for the various dierent levels. • Address race representation opportunities in leadership - See comments above regarding LatinX population and bolstering a diverse pool of candidates for senior leadership positions. Also see my comments above regarding Technology. - Bank leadership academy creates management and promotion pipeline
- Expand and scale mentoring program - Mentoring program will be available Bankwide. We are interested in taking this a step further and creating sponsorship programs for top performing team members, which we envision will help to create a leadership pipeline for senior level opportunities. - Leverage ERG’s for expansion of the mentor program. 1. Provide opportunities for ERG’s to be the formal mentor of members of the same ERG 2. Establish explicit (but not exclusive) linkage of ERG membership with participation in leadership development program (like McKinsey Academies) 3. I believe with the current structure of the ERG programs and potentially evolving this where ERGs are mentors or buddies to new joiners so that they feel apart of the Bank or as if they belong at the early onset in their careers. ERGs as they continue to evolve would be a key component to engagement, retention and an internal incubator for high performing leaders. Also, showcase these benefits in our external and internal marketing materials. 4. Sponsorship program is launched across the bank to help diverse employees get promoted to senior roles 5. As we continue to evolve our development opportunities, as mentioned above with the span of control and job families (where applicable), we can consider creating job shadowing rotation programs. This could be hard to replicate as we are a small organization and operate very lean. However, we can consider a shadow program lite opportunity for junior team members or creating a “day in the life” type of program for team members who are interested and we oer on a “as needed basis”. For example, if a team member works in Supplier Diversity and is considering an opportunity to work in Legal, a team member from Legal team would have a buddy to shadow them for the day. This is an opportunity for team members to learn about other areas and potentially explore an area that could be of interest to them. 6. Have Senior ERG members engaged in mentoring new hires/junior sta
7. Consider mentoring 360 program for DEI focus new hires 8. Succession plan is in place for all EVP, SVP, and MD positions
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