FHLB-SF Strategic Articulation Map



Start Small 2022

Scale Fast 2024

Think Big 2026

We are confident with our DEI work

Announcements posted showing support of significant days in D&I, Black History Month, Pride, Hispanic Heritage Month, etc

and ready to submit our qualifications for corporate equality indexes e.g. HRC - for

Many team members across the various demographics (race/ethnicity, age, gender) are posting about FHLBSF - stating it is a great place to work.

LGBTQ and DisabilityIN

Find Inclusion


• Launch I AM DEI program to provide employees with a platform to share their diversity stories. - In the “IAM” campaign, ensure we include team members who are benefiting from this flexibility to discuss how this has aided in them feeling a sense of inclusivity and belonging at the Bank. - Post Announcements showing support of significant days in D&I, Black History Month, Pride, Hispanic Heritage Month, etc

• Provide a feedback mechanism for employees to share ideas for DEI programming

• Continue what we are doing and promote this level of flexibility - Support the existing Return to Oce initiatives, which include flexible work scheduling. (not a new initiative) - Continue what we are doing and promote this level of flexibility.

• Submit our qualifications for corporate equality indexes (e.g. HRC - for LGBTQ and DisabilityIN)


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