Start Small 2022
Scale Fast 2024
Think Big 2026
Champion Diversity FHLBSF helps author fair housing legislation signed into law
FHLB-SF influences federal policy and advocates for markets served
Incubator program for Suppliers whether this is developed in-house or partnership with a certifying agency (NMSDC)
• Grow and evolve ERG’s - Increase ERG budget to facilitate more opportunities for third party experts to provide DEI training and education to Bank sta - Improved visibility to Bank-wide calendar for improved coordination between ERG ‘s and other Bank-wide activities. Provide a monthly summary of events at the start of each month. - For ERG collaborative events, continue to encourage collaboration such as the recently successful Angel Island virtual tour event with the CHISPA and AA ERGs. - Partner with Marketing and ERG’s to increase content on ERG Empower pages
• Expand depth, performance and impact of supplier diversity initiatives - Supplier Diversity Best Practices training - Develop and launch Incubator program for Suppliers whether this is developed in-house or partnership with a certifying agency (NMSDC) - Leverage membership/sponsorship funds to partner with third party organizations who provide incubator or training and development programs for diverse businesses with the goal of improving the success rate of bid opportunities with GSE’s. • Advocate for policy and legislation initiatives in alignment with DEI and bank purpose and missions - Help author fair housing legislation signed into law - Influence federal policy and advocates for markets served
• Develop DEI workshop for Legal team on best practices in pursuing DEI change and managing risk
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