Rydon Homes - Estimator

Culture & Values

Every company has its culture. Ours is one of commitment, excellent professional standards and respect for our employees, clients, partners and suppliers. Teamwork is another watchword, both within the company and with our partners and clients, and we approach this with transparency, honesty and respect. Leadership within Rydon is open and transparent. This means that considerable focus is placed on communication, keeping everyone informed of how the company is performing and what they can do to help to take the company forward. Discussion is encouraged and we aim to listen to all good ideas and to give credit

where these are acted on. Rydon’s Mission Statement

To work as a coordinated team with like-minded partners and clients to deliver improved community environments for the benefit of current and future generations, and to do so in a manner which enables us to grow sustainably. Rydon’s Values Rydon will continue to succeed as long as we:

• Are respectful and personable to all with whom we work. • Consider teamwork as the best way to get things done. • Are enthusiastic in our approach to every challenge. • Are honest and open in all our communication.

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