ORO2U Dirt Catalogue - Section F - Brakes and Drive

Brake Pads & Shoes


Brake Pads & Shoes The correct choice of BRAKE PADS or SHOES is very important. Choosing the wrong type can lead to all sorts of expense and the wearing of your disc. For dry or wet sandy conditions a hard pad is a must. Hard pads are made from a sintered metal developed for racing motorcycles in very abrasive conditions. Soft pads for mud and dry dirt conditions will give you a good feel to your brake and will not wear your disc out. You might think that using a hard pad in all conditions will make it last longer but there are some disadvantages. Disc wear is one. If used in dry conditions, glazing of the disc may occur which, in turn, can boil your brake fluid causing loss of brakes.

Brake Shoes. Standard Pad.


39-***.S 39-***.H

Sintered Metal Pad. FIR Sintered Pad Prox Sintered Pad Moto Master Nitro Pad

39-***.H.FIR 39-***.H.PROX




39-***.H.N Moto Master Racing Pad 39-***.H.MM Renthal Sintered Pad 39-***.H.REN Dunlopad Pad. 39-***.H.DP

Models DR-Z 50


Pads Shoes Pads Shoes

2019 - 25 1978 - 80 1981 - 82 2000 - 07 1977 - 79 1980 - 81 1982 - 85 1986 - 89 1990 - 95 1996 - 04 2005 - 24 1973 - 75 1976 - 81 1982 - 84 1986 - 88 2003 - 19 2003 - 25 1971 - 73 1974 - 81 1974 - 77 1973 - 75 1975 - 78 1979 - 80 1981 - 83

38-301 38-603 38-604 38-603 38-604 38-602

38-301 38-603 38-604 38-603 38-604 38-502 38-502 38-602 38-602 38-602 38-602 38-604 38-604 38-602 38-602 38-602 38-602 38-602 38-617 38-616 38-616 38-616 38-616 38-602 38-619 38-619 38-605 38-620 38-620 38-616 38-616 38-602 38-602

RM 50 RM 50 RM 65 RM 80 RM 80 RM 80 RM 80 RM 80



39-083 39-083 39-230 39-258

39-083 39-083 39-401

RM 80/85

RM 85 TS 100 TS 100 DR 125

38-603 38-602 38-602

DR 125 DRZ 125 DRZ 125L




TS 125 TS 125 TC 125 TM 125 RM 125 RM 125 RM 125 RM 125 RM 125 RM 125 RM 125 RM 125 RM 125 PE 175 PE 175 PE 175 RM 250 RM 250 RM 250 RM 250 RM 250 RM 250 RM 250 RM 250 RM 250 RM 250 PE 250 PE 250

38-603 38-602 38-602 38-603 38-602 38-602 38-602 38-622


1985 - 86

39-106 39-135 39-135 39-135 39-185


1987 1988



39-084 39-152 39-131



Pads Shoes Pads Shoes

1989 - 95 1996 - 12 1978 - 79 1980 - 81

PE 250

1980 - 82 1989 - 95 1996 - 04 2004 - 25 1979 - 81 2000 - 24 2010 - 19 2005 - 25 1981 - 82 1983 - 84 1990 - 99 1990 - 98 1999 - 00



RMX 250 RMX 250 RM-Z 250 PE/DR 400

39-135 39-185 39-185 39-185 39-185 39-185 39-135 39-135 39-185 39-106 39-147 39-147

39-152 39-152 39-367 39-131 39-367 39-367

38-602 38-602 38-618 38-602 38-605 38-618 38-621 38-622 38-622




1976 - 78

DR-Z 400 /E/S/SM

1979 1980

RMX 450 RM-Z 450

1981 - 82

RM 465 RM 500

38-621 38-622

38-602 38-602

1983 1984

DR 250/350

39-152 39-152 39-152

1985 - 86 1987 - 88 1989 - 95 1996 - 12 1977 - 78

39-106 39-135 39-135 39-185

DR 350 DR 350 DR 600 DR 750 DR 750

39-084 39-152 39-131

1985 1988 1989

38-602 38-606

38-605 38-603

38-605 38-603



*Please visit our website for current prices F135

E-mail: sales@oro2u.com


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