Special Performance by Reina Ley
Sunrise RV Church will be holding a Memorial Service on February 26th for those residents that have passed during the year of 2022. If you know of anyone that has passed that is not on our list, please let us know. You may contact any of the church board members to do this.
Hugh Albricht
Ruben Hofer
Noel Southwick
John Flint
Holly Schneider
Darlene Chouinard
Duane Calvert Sharon Merritt Zona Hildebrand
Jane Rode Oron Cook
Larry Alberts Earl Green Lee Walton
Ralph McClaflin
Jim Anderson Don Cameron Virginia Litke
Jim Wade
Max Biggs
Lee Sutherland
Bob Lawrence
Thank You! Church Board Ron Johnson, Chairperson
#133 (701)388 - 7384 #380 (612)282 - 4759
Mick Nedegaard
Joyce Morehouse, Treasurer
(253)307 - 6084
Steve Gilbert Roger Schwope
#274 (906)440 - 5005 #305 (480)745 - 5573 #454 (480)671 - 1476 #128 (480)266 - 5161
Kay Bailey
Donna Cusick
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