Sunrise February Newsletter

MEET AND GREET— A CHANCE FOR THE SUNRISE RESORT TO GREET NEW RESIDENTS! Thank you to Gina Stinmetz, Mary Fischer, Rosemary Jutte and Faith Zoerb for giving us the resources Sunrise has available to learn more about the community. As newbies to Sunrise Resort, we appreciated the opportunity to learn about our new neighborhood at the Resort as well as about some of the marvelous adventures calling to us from all around Arizona! To learn more about the fun here at Sunrise, drop by the Activities office. While you ’ re there, check out the TV, computers, and comfy chairs available for all in the Saguaro Room. You also will find fliers and business cards for a number of businesses and activities near here on a rack in the cor- ner of the Saguaro Room between the pool room and the door leading out to the library and post office. For those of us catching up to the technology age, there are 2 great re- sources online. In addition to the public FB group at SunriseRVResort, Roger Juhl set up a private Facebook group just for resident interaction where we can post a last - minute invitation (i.e. “ Hey—who ’ d like to join me hiking up the face of Superstition this after- noon? ”) -- and then pictures of the adventure! (Plus any other activities that might interest you and your neighbors … or items you have for sale. You ’ ll see the scope once you get on.) Go to Facebook and search for the group “ Arizona SR Friends ”. Ask to join, answer the screening ques- tions (you can just say “ newsletter ” for where you heard about it) and he ’ ll add you to the group! (Continued on Page 10)

Sunshine Ladies

Infant and Toddler equipment and toys available for borrowing to Sunrise residents. We have an umbrella stroller, toddler and infant pack n play, trikes, razor (with a helmet), bikes, toys, booster seats, chair high chair, etc. Contact Cindy Silbernagel at 612 - 201 - 4773 in site 463 or Ruh Carstenson 641 - 990 - 5222 in site 316.

Cindy Silbernagel


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