BUDGETING, INCOME AND EXPENDITURE (a) To prepare detailed annual revenue and capital expenditure budgets, working closely with the Heads of Department and the Chief Operating Officer and to request a sufficient budget to allow for proper maintenance of the buildings and estate. COMMITTEES ANDWORKING GROUPS
(a) To service and convene as appropriate all committees and working groups listed in the first section of this job description, plus any other future relevant committees or groups. (b) To advise the Chairmen and Sub-committees on the formulation of policies / projects, relevant to the role. (c) To maintain close liaison with the Chairmen of each sub-committee and Working Group, as appropriate. CLUB EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT (a) To par ticipate actively in the general management of the Club, including enforcement of Club Rules, By-Laws and Regulations, as part of the Executive team.
(b) To par ticipate in the weekly Executive and Heads of Department meetings as a member of the Executive team. (c) To implement Club HR policies for all departments in liaison with the Human Resources Manager and Deputy Secretary. (d) To implement Health & Safety policies for all departments. (e) To attend and assist with the running of major events and meetings as required. (f) To be the Incident Controller in a case of emergency, where appropriate. (g) To hold a valid and up-to-date licence to authorise the sale of alcohol at the Club. (h) To under take such other duties as the Management of the Club might reasonably expect appropriate to the job grade.
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